This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium This project is funded by the European Union Projekat finansira Evropska Unija Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Projekat realizuje Human Dynamics Konzorcijum Risk Management in the Chemical Establishments George Mouzakis Dipl. Chemical Engineer
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREFACE In the light of industrial and urban development, the serious accidents over the last decades caused by industrial activities, the complexity of new industrial operations and growing public opinion on the need to protect the environment, European Union has studied the hazards related to dangerous activities and adopted the Seveso Directive.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium THE AIM OF THE SEVESO DIRECTIVE This Directive is aimed at the prevention of major accidents which involve dangerous substances, and the limitation of their consequences for man and the environment, with a view to ensuring high levels of protection throughout the Community in a consistent and effective manner.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium MAIN SCOPE OF THE SEVESO DIR. LIMITING THE HAZARDS / CONSEQUENCES Preventing major accidents The design stage Checks and maintenance Compliance with standards and the selection of equipment Strict operational rules Training operational personnel Limiting the consequences Setting up emergency plans for accident Information to the public
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREVENTING MAJOR ACCIDENTS OPERATORS (1/4) The design stage: by analyzing the hazards related to an installation in its design phase, preventive means can be implemented to minimize potential dangers. Numerous solutions exist such as: sensors, alarms, fail- safe devices, diagnostic tools, by-passes, automatic or manual isolation devices, valves, confinement of accidental release and associated treatment devices.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREVENTING MAJOR ACCIDENTS OPERATORS (2/4) Checks and maintenance: periodic checking of sensors, safety devices, alarms and go on, guarantee reliability of safety functions defined in the design phase. In the case of an accident requiring a shutdown to allow intervention on the installation. Strict rules shall be established on interventions (personnel qualifications, equipment to be used, operating conditions,..). Any modification of an installation must be accompanied by the updating of the relevant technical documents.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREVENTING MAJOR ACCIDENTS OPERATORS (3/4) Compliance with standards and the selection of equipment: at the design stage but also during maintenance operations, it is essential to use spare parts and equipment which comply with standards and installation specifications. Specific start-up tests should be carried out after any repairs.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREVENTING MAJOR ACCIDENTS OPERATORS (4/4) Strict operational rules: these set out in detail the operating modes, the qualification of personnel employed in each activity and the responsibilities and instructions in case of an accident. Training operational personnel in the tasks they carry out, in the relevant safety rulings and the necessary actions in the event of an accident.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PREVENTING MAJOR ACCIDENTS AUTHORITIES Evaluation of the Safety Report. During the evaluation of the Safety Reports, checking the Safety Management System of the establishment, the hazard identification, Authorities try to minimize the existing hazards. Inspections. During the inspections of the establishments under the provisions of Seveso Directive, taking into account the existing Safety Report and Safety Management System, Authorities try to identify weak points in the establishment to be fixed.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium LIMITING THE CONSEQUENCES (1/2) Setting up emergency plans for accident: there are 2 types of plans. The first, an internal emergency plan for when the damage can be limited to within the site. The second, an external action plan when the means available to control the industrial risk are surpassed. The success of these kinds of emergency depends on the correct evaluation of the means required at the risk analysis stage, the technical and logistic lay out of the emergency plan, the training of staff involved and the information given to the public.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium LIMITING THE CONSEQUENCES (2/2) Information to the public: it is needed that every country should inform all persons likely to be affected by a major accident, of safety measures and the correct behavior to adopt in the event of an accident. This measure is particularly important for the management of accident situations, since it ensures public awareness and encourages a spirit of trust between the authorities, the public and the several operators.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium OUTCOME OF THE EVALUATION OF THE SAFETY REPORT The outcome of the evaluation is useful for: - Minimizing the hazards of the establishment - Emergency Planning (internal – external) - Information to the Public - Land Use Planning - Inspection