State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Training for incoming EMAC personnel”


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Presentation transcript:

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Training for incoming EMAC personnel” A Self Study Course

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 2 Course Modules  Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures  Module 3 – Position Task Books  Module 4 – EOC Message System

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 3 Module 2 ESF 6 procedures References: ESF 6 Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) SLRC Activation Protocols Forward SERT Standard Operating Guidelines

ESF 6 CEMP Annex ESF 6 SOG ESF 6 Job Aids ESF 6 Position Task Books The ESF 6 CEMP Annex describes “the framework through which a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies, the private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, and other NGOs coordinate and execute the common emergency management strategies. The actions described in the Support Annexes apply to nearly every type of emergency. Each Support Annex identifies a coordinating agency and cooperating agencies. In some instances, two departments or agencies share coordinating agency responsibilities.” Source: CPG 101 “Standard operating procedures or operating manuals are complete reference documents that provide the purpose, authorities, duration, and details for the preferred method for performing a single function or a number of interrelated functions in a uniform manner.” Source: CPG 101 “Job aids are checklists or other materials that help users perform a task.” Source: CPG 101 Position Task Books describe and identify all the basic tasks a person holding the position should be able to perform properly. Source: NIMS Qualifications Process Guide Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 Version Developing and maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local emergency plans, November 2010, FEMA

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 5 Possible Florida ESF 6 EMAC locations  State Emergency Operations Center, Tallahassee  State Logistics Response Center, Orlando  Forward State Emergency Response Team, Location near the disaster area

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 6 Human Services Branch FEMA ESF 6 Representat i ve You will be assigned to work in one of these positions

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 7 State Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 8 SERT Chain of Command

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 9 Human Services Branch FEMA ESF 6 Representat i ve You will be assigned to work in one of these positions

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 10 Mission Unit  A Mission Unit Leader is designated for each shift when required and is responsible to the ESF 6 Deputy Coordinator.  The Mission Unit Leader monitors and updates assigned missions, orders resources, updates the shelter database and maintains the status of resources deployed to field kitchens in the disaster area.  When required, the Mission Unit Leader is assigned a Mission Unit Manager to assist in the completion of required tasks. Mission Unit Leader Mission Unit Manager

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 11 Information Unit  An Information Unit Leader is designated for each shift when required and is responsible to the ESF 6 Deputy Coordinator.  The Information Unit Leader prepares required situation reports, briefing slides, meal count reports, comfort station reports and shower reports, as well as the dissemination of information to ESF 6 support agencies and others as needed.  When required, the Information Unit Leader is assigned an Information Unit Manager to assist in the completion of required tasks. Information Unit Leader Information Unit Manager

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 12 Role of ESF 6  COORDINATE actions of: Supporting Voluntary agencies Supporting State agencies Counties  REPORT on: Status of Shelters Meal Counts Feeding sites

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 13 ESF 6 Functional Areas  Mission Tracking  Shelter Management  Reporting  Liaisons

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 14 Mission Tracking  Objective - respond to all missions assigned to ESF 6 Monitor mission tracking software Refer assigned missions to appropriate agency Enter responses to assigned missions  Make coordination necessary to complete the mission

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 15 Shelter Management function  Objective - collect and report information on: Number of open shelters Shelter population, by county  Monitor shelter database

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 16 ESF 6 Support Agency representatives  American Red Cross  Salvation Army  Florida Baptists  Education  Elder Affairs  Agency for Workforce innovation  Veterans Affairs  State Disability Coordinator

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 17 Reporting function  ESF 6 Situation report  Meal Count report  Shelter information  Comfort Station & fixed feeding report  Kitchen Status report  Shower Status Report

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 18 Tracking Shower Requests

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 19 Tracking Kitchen Resources

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 20 ESF 6 logistics support  Field Kitchens  Comfort Stations  ARC & TSA direct support  Shower units

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 21 ESF #6 Incident Status Board  The Emergency Support Function #6 Incident Status Board is posted and updated daily on the whiteboard in the Emergency Support Function #6 room. The plan shows incident staffing, tasks, meeting schedules and other relevant operational information for the day. Everyone at the State Emergency Operations Center working within or in support of Emergency Support Function #6 should read the Plan upon arrival.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 22 Incident Status Board

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 23 EOC Activation Levels  Level 1: Full scale activation of State Emergency Response Team. In a full- scale activation, all primary and support agencies under the state plan are notified.  Level 2: Partial activation of State Emergency Response Team. This is a limited agency activation.  Level 3: Monitoring.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 24 ESF 6 Coordination Activities  State Emergency Response Team Briefings - The State Emergency Operations Center when activated to Level one conducts a morning and afternoon brief.  Human Services Branch - Coordination by Emergency Support Function #6 with the State Emergency Response Team is normally done through the Human Services Branch.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 25 ESF 6 Coordination Activities (cont)  Meetings – Meetings are an important process of coordination within the State Emergency Operations Center. The Supervisor will designate in the Incident Action Plan which meetings to attend and who from Emergency Support Function #6 will attend.  Conference calls - Conference calls are an important process for coordination with stakeholders outside the State Emergency Operations Center.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 26 ESF 6 Coordination Activities (cont)  State Agency representatives – Agency representatives attend the twice daily State Emergency Response Team briefings and remain in the State Emergency Operations Center if required to actively coordinate missions assigned to their respective agency.  Non-governmental Agency Liaisons – The non-governmental agencies provide the bulk of the resources for Emergency Support Function #6 activities during a disaster.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 27 ESF 6 Coordination Activities (cont)  Federal Agency representatives – During disasters that may require federal assistance representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies are assigned to the State Emergency Operations Center to work alongside their state counterparts.  Vendor Coordination. – Private vendors providing significant resources for the disaster normally provide representatives at the State Emergency Operations Center.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 28 State Logistics Response Center

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 29 Human Services Branch FEMA ESF 6 Representat i ve You will be assigned to work in one of these positions

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 30 State Logistic Center liaisons  The State Logistics Response Center (SLRC) is located in Orlando  The SLRC houses the Logistics Operations Center and the Movement Control Center for the disaster  The ESF 6 SLRC Liaisons perform logistics and movement coordination for ESF 6.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 31 ESF 6 office located on the Second floor.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 32 Location of ESF 6 Room In the SLRC

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 33 Forward SERT (FSERT)  The Forward State Emergency Response Team (FSERT) serves as the forward coordination element of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) under the command of the FSERT Chief who will also be designated as a Deputy State Coordinating Officer.  It operates as the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) under the coordination of the FSERT Chief within the predefined area of operation with full delegated authority to manage all missions and resources on behalf of the SERT.  The FSERT provides resources and technical assistance in support of local tactical operations.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 34 Human Services Branch FEMA ESF 6 Representat i ve You will be assigned to work in one of these positions

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 35 ESF 6 liaisons to the FSERT  The ESF 6 liaisons to the FSERT are responsible for ESF 6 coordination within the designated FSERT operational area.  The ESF 6 FSERT operates within and reports to the Human Services Branch of the FSERT.  The ESF 6 FSERT operates according to the State ESF 6 SOG.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 36 Goals of the FSERT  1. Command and control of all SERT missions in the assigned area of operations.  2. Manage the prioritization, deployment, maintenance, and demobilization of resources.  3. Coordinate technical assistance and decision making among state, regional, and federal agencies and organizations in the assigned area of operation.  4. Maintain and communicate ongoing situational awareness among all partner organizations.  5. Coordinate information and activities at the highest levels with the SEOC.

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 37 FSERT organizational Structure

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 38 Module 2 Summary  ESF 6 plays a specific role at the State EOC: Coordination Reporting  You could serve: At the EOC in Tallahassee At the SLRC in Orlando With the FSERT at a forward location

State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 39 Go on to Module 3  Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan  Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures Module 3 – Position Task Books  Module 4 – EOC Message System