The breaking down of rocks, soil and minerals as well as artificial materials through contact with the Earth's atmosphere, animals, plants and waters.
Mechanical Weathering - Running Water
Chemical Weathering - Rock Staining
Biological Weathering - Roots
Three Three Major Types Of Weathering MECHANICAL WEATHERING - Rocks are broken down into smaller pieces without changing their composition. CHEMICAL WEATHERING – Rocks break down as their minerals change in composition. BIOLOGICAL WEATHERING – Rocks that break down both physically and chemically as a direct result of Animals or Plants.
MECHANICAL Types of MECHANICAL Weathering ICE-FROST WEDGING Repeated Thermal Expansion -Contraction
MECHANICAL Types of MECHANICAL Weathering WIND ABRASION Arches National Park Natural Sand Blasting WATER ABRASION The Goosenecks S.P. Downcutting
MECHANICAL Types of MECHANICAL Weathering Biological - Fauna Biological-Flora
Chemical Types of Chemical Weathering Biological - Lichens Biological - Bacteria
Chemical Types of Chemical Weathering (Cu) Copper-Oxidation (Fe) Iron-Oxidation
Chemical Types of Chemical Weathering ACIDIFICATION Acid Rain CARBONATION
Tomorrow EROSION The processes that move sediments. DUSTSTORMSGLACIAL MORRAINES