Freshman Career Fair
Newark Catholic Code of Academic Integrity » According to the Newark Catholic Code of Academic Integrity, plagiarism is: » “Using someone else’s ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness.”
» Ideas or phrasing » Ideas or phrasing can include: ˃Written material ˃Spoken material ˃Statistics ˃Lab results ˃Art work » This can be using anything from whole papers to paragraphs, sentences, and even phrases (parts of sentences).
» Someone else » Someone else can mean: ˃A professional source +A published writer or critic in a book, magazine, encyclopedia, or journal ˃An electronic source +Information found on the Internet ˃Another student +A student at our school or anywhere else ˃A paper-writing service that sells written papers for a fee +Online or otherwise
» Having a parent or another person write an essay (including the purchase or free download of works online). » Having a parent or another person do a project that is then submitted as one’s own work. » Using older friends’/siblings’ papers or work from previous years as your own. » Failing to use proper documentation and a bibliography/works cited.
» Submitting images and/or documents in whole or in part from the Internet without citation of the source(s). » Copying another’s work. » Using another’s ideas without proper citations. » Incorporating portions of another’s writing within the context of your own work. » Failing to acknowledge a source of information. » Using graphics, charts, diagrams, and illustrations without citations.
Newark Catholic High School Code of Academic Integrity » At Newark Catholic High School, there are specific consequences for violating the Code of Academic Integrity (Honor Code). » These consequences vary based on the number of previous offenses that have occurred. » At other institutions, especially colleges and universities, the consequences of plagiarism are typically much more severe.
» All students involved receive a zero for the assignment. » The student forfeits eligibility for induction into National Honor Society for twelve months from the date of the first offense (if not already a member). » The student may not run for any Student Council or class office for twelve months from the date of the first offense. » If the student is involved in an extracurricular activity, then s/he will be ineligible to participate in meetings, practice, or events for the next week from the date of the first offense.
» All students involved receive a zero for the assignment. » The student’s grade for that course is dropped ten percent at the end of the grading period. » The student is excused from any honor societies that s/he is a current member of and is dismissed from class office. » The student forfeits eligibility for induction into National Honor Society. » The student is ineligible for any honor societies or to run for any student offices for the remainder of his/her high school career. » If the student is involved in an extracurricular activity, then s/he will be ineligible to participate in meetings, practice, or events for the next two weeks from the date of the second offense.
» All students involved receive a zero for the assignment. » The student’s grade for that course is dropped twenty percent at the end of the grading period. » The administrator will issue a one-day in-school suspension. » The student’s transcript will state “This student has violated the Newark Catholic High School ‘Code of Academic Integrity’ on three occasions during his/her high school career.” » If the student is involved in an extracurricular activity, then s/he will be ineligible to participate in meetings, practice, or events for the next three weeks from the date of the third offense. This deduction is cumulative for each further offense.
» At colleges and universities, the consequences for plagiarism can be much more severe: » At Ohio State University: In cases of academic misconduct including suspension or dismissal from the university ˃“In cases of academic misconduct, a hearing officer or board may authorize the instructor to award a failing or lowered grade in the course, a loss of credit on the graded course work, and impose any of the above-listed sanctions including suspension or dismissal from the university.” » At Ohio University: formal reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion from the university ˃For “A-Level Offenses” (such as Academic Misconduct), the University Judiciaries may consider a formal reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion from the university.
Believe it or not, plagiarism is easy to avoid.
best practices to avoid plagiarism » Use the following best practices to avoid plagiarism: ˃Take notes ˃Take notes as your read information. +Always indicate where you found the information, and if it is a direct copy of someone’s words, put quotation marks around it. write paraphrases or summaries ˃Instead of copying the words of others, write paraphrases or summaries of the information you find. +If you use the exact phrases of others, put quotation marks around them and document where you found them. document the source of the information immediately ˃When you write a direct quotation down, document the source of the information immediately and associate it with the quote. ˃DO NOT copy and paste ˃DO NOT copy and paste from web pages or other documents – this is the easiest way TO plagiarize. ˃Proofread your paper and revise it ˃Proofread your paper and revise it when necessary before submitting your final draft.