Chapter 14 Advanced Function Topics CSC1310 Fall 2009
Anonymous Function: lambda lambda lambda is an expression to generate a function. def Like def, it creates a function, but returns it instead of assigning it to the name. lambda arg1, arg2, … argN: expression lambda arg1, arg2, … argN: expression expression lambda is an expression not a statement. def Can appear inside a list literal of function call (def can’t) Returns a value (function) which can be assigned a name optionally. def def assigns new function to the name in the header. single expression lambda bodies are a single expression, not a block of statement. Simply type the result as a naked expression lambdadef lambda is to code simple functions; def handles larger tasks
lambda Example >>>def func(x,y,z): return x+y+z >>>func(2,3,4) >>>f=lambda x,y,z : x+y+z >>>f(2,3,4) >>>x=(lambda a=‘e’,b=‘d’,c=‘t’:a+b+c) >>>x(‘hi’)
lambda Example >>>def knights(): title=‘Sir’ action=(lambda x: title+’ ’+x) return action >>>act=knights() >>>act(‘lancelot’) def The same scope rules as for def.
Jump Tables Jump tables Jump tables are lists or dictionaries of actions to be performed or demand. >>>L=[(lambda x:x**2),(lambda x: x**3)] >>>for f in L: print f(2) >>>print L[1](3) >>>key=‘cube’ >>>{‘add’: (lambda: 2+2), ‘square’: (lambda: 2*2), ‘cube’: (lambda: 2**3)}[key]() Multiway branching Multiway branching
List Comprehensions List comprehension expression List comprehension expression maps operations over sequences and collects results. ord() ord() returns the integer ASCII code of a character. chr() chr() returns the character for an ASCII code integer. >>>res=[] >>>for x in ‘string’:res.append(ord(x)) >>>res=map(ord,’string’) #apply func to seq >>>res=[ord(x) for x in ‘string’] #apply expr to seq List comprehensions List comprehensions collects the result of applying an arbitrary expression to a sequence of values, returns them in a new list.
Examples >>>[ x+2 for x in range(5)] >>>map( (lambda x: x+2),range(5)) List comprehensions can use if clause >>>res=[] >>>for x in range(7): if x%3==0: res.append(x) >>>[x for x in range(7) if x%3==0] >>>[x**2 for x in range(7) if x%3==0]
General Format [expression for target1 in sequence1[if condition] [expression for target1 in sequence1[if condition] for target2 in sequence2[if condition] for target2 in sequence2[if condition] …. …. for targetN in sequenceN[if condition]] for targetN in sequenceN[if condition]] >>>res=[] >>>for x in [1,2,3]: for y in [2,3,4]: res.append(x**y) >>>res=[x**y for x in [1,2,3] for y in [2,3,4]] >>>res=[x+y for x in ‘HI’ for y in ‘bye’] >>>res=[x+y for x in [1,2,3,4,5] if x%2==0 for y in [10,11,12] if y%3!=0]
for vs map() and List Comprehensions “Keep it simple”:for “Keep it simple”: for logic is more explicit map() for List comprehensions and map() are roughly two times faster than for map() List comprehensions and map() are expressions: they can be in places where for statements can’t like in the bodies of the lambda functions, within lists and dictionaries literals.
Generator Functions Generator Generator generates a sequence of values over time. Unlike a normal function Unlike a normal function, generator suspend and resume their execution and state around the point of value generation. As a result, it is useful alternative to compute an entire series of values up front. yield yield statement suspends the function and sends a value back to the caller, but retains state to allow the function to resume from where it left off.
Generator Examples >>>def squares(N): for i in range(N): yield i**2 >>>for k in squares(5): print k,’->’ >>>def squares1(N): res=[] for k in range(N): res.append(k**2) return res >>>for k in squares1(5): print k,’->’ >>>for k in [n**2 for n in range(5)] print k,’->’
Iterator iterator object interface Generator functions are compiled as generators; when called, they return a generator object that supports the iterator object interface. next Iterator objects define a next method which returns the next item in iteration or raises a special error to end the iteration. >>>x=squares(5) >>> iter() iter() produces iterator object for built-in datatypes. >>>D={‘a’:1,’b’:2,’c’:3} >>>x=iter(D) >>>
Function Design Concepts Cohesion Cohesion: how to decompose a task into functions Each function should have a single, unified purpose. Each function usually should be relatively small. Coupling Coupling: how functions should communicate Use arguments for inputs and return for outputs. It is the best way to isolate external dependencies Use global variables only when truly necessary. Don’t change mutable arguments unless the caller expects it.