Executable Statements 1. Def. Executable statements are instructions to the computer to perform specific tasks. 2. Two examples: method calls and assignment.


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Presentation transcript:

Executable Statements 1. Def. Executable statements are instructions to the computer to perform specific tasks. 2. Two examples: method calls and assignment statements 3. What are two classifications of methods? (void and value returning) 4. Syntax for calling a method: objectName.methodName()

5. Note: a method called from within the class in which it is defined (or a subclass) can be made without the objectName and without a dot. 6. Void method calls are statements themselves, but value returning methods must be in assignment statements. aPiece.readSqMeter(); objectNamemethodNameno arguments val = getDouble();

7. A value returning method must have a return statement somewhere in its block ( usually the last statement). 8. A return statement consists of the reserved word return followed by a variable or expression. 9. Methods may (or may not) have arguments. Arguments are variable names separated by commas. 10. Note: the position, type, and no. of arguments in the method call must match those in the method heading. Remember: no types are stated in the method call. See p.81

11. Def. assignment statement an instruction that stores a value (or result of an expression) in a variable. The assignment operator is: = 12. ex. char ch = ‘z’; ans = cost; //typing done previously d = getDouble( ); 13. Arithmetic operators permitted in expressions in order of precedence: - (unary minus) *, /, % (left associative for operators of same level) +, -

14. Expressions with 2 integer operands result in an int. 15. / results in the quotient % results in the remainder ex. int c = 5 / 2 results with 2 stored in c int d = 5 % 2 results with 1 stored in d 16. Expressions with 1 integer operand and 1 double operand results in a double unless typecasting is used. 17. Def type casting creates a value of one type from a variable or expression of another type.

Ex. int m = 5, n = 2, c; double x = 3.8 c = x + m / n / error !! c = (int) x + m / n / c = 5 See p.92 Do p.95 # 1 - 4