IEEE Committee: Women in Engineering Allan Johnston NPSS Liaison July 19, 2014
WIE Structure Currently part of Member and Geographic Activities They provide budget and oversight They attend the WIE in-person meeting, and are actively involved in overall management The WIE has nine voting members President is appointed by MGA Society liaisons do not vote Most of the communication is in monthly hour-long telecons There are typically about 25 people on each call Much of the business involves small amounts of funding for affinity groups The current president has (wisely) required prior discussion on those funds before the telecons
WIE In-Person Meeting The annual in-person meeting was held May 4-5 in San Francisco Thirty-seven people attended John Day, Director for Member Products and Geographic actitvities About 20% of the IEEE Society liaisons attended Main topics discussed University activities, particularly affinity groups Membership (slight decline; still 70% students) Additional telecons with selected groups Society Liaisons Members of selected subcommittees (charter, business plan, etc.)
WIE Budget Issues WIE has a very limited revenue stream Membership fees: $25 for members, $0 for students Some advertising income from the WIE magazine An annual conference has been proposed, but there is no associated publication I am a member of a subcommittee working on a better budget model Income in kind needs to be counted, particularly society activities Some direct revenue from society activities would help the overall budget picture The initial proposal is a voluntary 10% tax on society WIE functions This is small enough to avoid undue penalty For the NPSS, it would amount to about $2.5k annually Overall revenue from the various societies could be as high as $30k
Society Liaison Telecon The first society liaison telecon was held on June 26 th About 15 members attended Good opportunity to focus on that part of the WIE program A number of societies have had WIE events for several years The Circuits and Devices society provides a complimentary luncheon The Systems and Control society has had WIE events for 20 years Everyone agreed that networking was one of the key advantages of these events Scheduling WIE events in busy conferences was a problem for everyone Society liaison telecons will be held approximately every two months
Publicizing WIE Events at NPSS Conferences The majority of NPSS Conferences now have WIE events In some cases it is difficult to find out about them e.g., the 2012 WIE event at NSS/MIC was “buried” The 2013 WIE event at the same conference was clearly identified We need to make sure that WIE events are clearly identified in conference brochures as well as at the conference I can help with this, but I need contact information for WIE events at each conference At the 2014 NSREC, the WIE event is called out as a special event on the registration form It is also listed in the Technical Program (invited speaker)
WIE Functions at 2013 NPSS Conferences Up to $5000 per function is authorized by AdCom Pulsed Power Radiation Effects NSS/MIC Complex activity involving students and teachers Reception and panel discussion Breakfast with keynote speaker The Radiation Effects Committee approved a similar function for the 2014 Conference (Paris)
Summary WIE functions continue to take place at several NPSS conferences I need to report these to the WIE Evening receptions and panel discussions appear to be effective formats NSREC added a WIE function for the first time in 2013, and is continuing to do so These activities fill an important gap between the WIE Committee, which is largely focused on student activities, and working professionals Please advise me of conference functions so that I can include them in my report to the WIE (an important metric for WIE)