Vocabulary 1
Word 1: Elusive (adjective) Def 1: Difficult to capture Def 2: Difficult to understand Def 3: Difficult to isolate or identify
Word 2: Blueprint (noun) Def: A plan of action or a design
Word 3: Yearning (verb or noun) Def 1: Desiring in a tender or sad way Def 2: A strong desire
Word 4: Lamentation (noun) Def: A strong expression of sorrow
Word 5: Injurious (adjective) Def: Harmful
Word 6: Premonition (noun) Def: A sense of things to come
Word 7: Lofty (adjective) Def 1: High or difficult to reach Def 2: Noble or dignified
Word 8:Heed (verb or noun) Def: To pay attention to
Word 9: Adulation (noun) Def: High praise, admiration
Word 10: Terminate (verb) Def: To end
Word 11: Panacea (noun) Def: A cure-all
Word 12: Antidote (noun) Def: Something that relieves or reverses
Word 13: Exploit (verb or noun) Def 1: To take advantage of Def 2: An adventure or heroic act
Word 14: Deride (verb) Def: To insult or ridicule
Word 15: Esoteric (adjective) Def: Known only by a select few
Word 16: Melancholy (adjective or noun) Def: Sad or depressed
Word 17: Ironic (adjective) Def: Describing the difference between expectation and reality
Word 18: Inhibition (noun) Def: Something that prevents or restricts
Word 19: Jargon (noun) Def: Vocabulary understood by a specific group of people
Word 20: Gullible (adjective) Def: Easily misled or cheated
Word 21: Verify (verb) Def: To confirm the accuracy of something
Word 22: Volition (noun) Def: Conscious will, choice
Word 23: Emerge (verb) Def: To come out from