Limit it to a productive size group of a maximum 25. Make sure it is a diverse representation of those involved with child welfare. Have your MiTEAM Liaison lead the Focus Group. The meeting should be structured the same as an FTM. SELECTING PARTICIPANTS
Directors/CEO First-Line Staff Supervisors Private Agency Representation Court Representation Parents Foster Parents/ Relative Caregivers Youth Tribal Government Representation Community Partners Community Mental Health SUGGESTED PARTICIPANTS
Sign in sheet with title, agency, and phone information requested. Markers Name Tents Flip Chart Paper Agenda MiTEAM Snapshot MiTEAM Overview Power Point printed with 3 slides to a page. MATERIALS NEEDED
One welcome sheet with your name (MiTEAM Liaison) and contact information. Comfort Agreement or Ground Rule Sheet. Teaming- 3 Sheets with the following labels after the word Teaming: Strengths, Barriers and Ideas. Engagement -3 Sheets with the following labels after the word Engagement: Strengths, Barriers and Ideas. Assessment- 3 Sheets with the following labels after the words Assessment & Concurrent Permanency Planning (CPP): Strengths, Barriers and Ideas. Mentoring -3 Sheets with the following labels after the word Mentoring: Strengths, Barriers and Ideas. PRE-LABEL CHART PAPER
Ground Rules MiTEAM Overview Facilitated Discussion (Strengths, Barriers and Ideas in regards to Teaming, Engagement, Assessment, CPP, and Mentoring) Recap and Next Steps Note: Sample Agenda included in materials. AGENDA:
Set an environment where people feel comfortable and safe sharing. Ask them what they need as rules to say what is on their mind. Make sure that respect of other’s opinions is added as a comfort agreement. Make sure you set a tone of professionalism. Chart the agreed upon rules. GROUND RULES OR COMFORT AGREEMENTS
An overview of MiTEAM will be provided to you along with a script. The script is there to give you ideas of what to cover, however you do not have to utilize it if you are comfortable with the material. Make it natural. Use your own experience to highlight certain best practices. OVERVIEW
You can use the power point as more of a handout. The overview should not last more than 20 minutes. Allow for questions. Make sure to cover the Concurrent Permanency Planning requirements and increase in visitation for ages 0-5. OVERVIEW
Ask someone from the group to chart and help facilitate the discussion. Switch up who assists so that one person is not doing it all. Allow enough time to thoroughly discuss Teaming and CPP. Utilize your pre-labeled chart paper to facilitate a discussion regarding your county’s strengths on Teaming, Engagement, Assessment and Mentoring. Discuss your county’s barriers in the same areas as above. After discussing barriers, ask focus group members to identify ideas to address the barriers listed. Remember to utilize the identified strengths that are listed. Address questions to all members with respect to their position in the child welfare practice. DISCUSSION
After you feel like the conversation has concluded, recap the discussion. Address next steps and assigned responsibilities that were developed from the participants. Determine if you need to conduct a follow-up focus group or break up into committees to address the identified barriers. Conclude the meeting and thank all participants for their involvement. CONCLUSIONS