Welcome 3 rd and 4 th year students! Arne Kovac, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Getting the most out of your year Lectures Taking good notes – revising the material Suggested text books Problem sheets Maths café revision sessions for more popular units? Speak to student rep Drop-in-sessions – see School of Maths Intranet Feedback
What to expect from feedback on problem sheets: Where a question or part of a question is completed well there will be a tick and at least a one word written comment to indicate the level of achievement. Where a mistake is made the point where the work goes wrong will be clearly marked and a written comment will explain why it is incorrect and what the consequences are of this error. Where appropriate, suggestions for improvements could be made. Homework feedback form Feedback on problem sheets during lectures Solution Sheets
If feedback does not meet these expectations… ….TELL SOMEONE! - talk to lecturer - - use template “reporting homework feedback” on Blackboard/School of Mathematics/Homework
Feedback to you Individual comments on homework and coursework Group feedback on homework Solution sheets End of unit exams – just a mark Timing: within a week for regular homework, within 3 weeks for larger coursework
Projects and course work Excellent opportunity to direct your own learning Plagiarism and Collusion Penalties for late work
Feedback from you Lecture and tutorial questionnaires, post-it notes Suggestion box - Staff Student Consultative Committee School Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee Use your student reps! math-