Translations, Rotations, Reflections, and Dilations
Fold the two sheets in half horizontally
Pass around the stapler, and staple the spine of your booklet. Put your name on the front cover. Make a booklet out of the two folded papers by putting the graphs back to back. Translations Rotations STAPLEHERESTAPLEHERE
With scissors, cut along the line on the front and back covers only. Translations Rotations Do NOT cut the graphs!!!
Original figure that has not been transformed.
The new resulting figure, after transformation
Transformation that moves each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction. Also called a slide
Read the definition of translations Cut the hexagon out and place it on the graph securing it with the large paper clip. Open up the TRANSLATIONS flap
Place two fingers on the top and bottom, or the two sides, of the hexagon and slowly slide the shape up and down and side to side.
These are translations. You are moving the entire figure around, but you are NOT changing the size, length, or shape of the figure.
A transformation that turns a figure around a point Also called a turn
Read the definition of rotations Cut out the heart figure and place the end of the heart on the point (0, -5), tilting the heart at a diagonal inside Quadrant 4. Insert a brad through the point, careful not to break the heart, and secure behind the graph Open up the ROTATIONS flap brad
Now rotate the heart counterclockwise 360˚ When you rotate an object, it can be about a point, about the origin, or around the coordinate plane Rotate the heart 90˚ into Quadrant 3
A transformation where a MIRROR image is created. Also called a flip
Read the definition on reflection Cut out one of the triangles and place one edge on the y-axis With a piece of tape, tape down the edge along the y-axis. Open up the REFLECTIONS flap Tape
Now flip the triangle over the y- axis. This is called a reflection. You can reflect the triangle over ANY line using this concept.
Produces an image that is the same shape, but in a different size Bigger or smaller
A transformation in which the preimage and image are congruent. Once transformed, the figure has not changed shape or size
Read the definition of a dilation Cut out a triangle and fold it in half evenly. Open up the DILATIONS flap
Take a small piece of tape and tape the back of HALF the triangle to the graph. This should allow your triangle to open up larger and close to be smaller. Tape the back of this half
Now you see that a Dilation is SIMILAR to the original figure in proportion, not size. A Dilation can allow a figure to become larger or smaller.