CERN: The Future of Information Technology Modes of partnership  Consultancy – skills transfer  PIPSS – funding “win-win” collaborative partnerships.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN: The Future of Information Technology Modes of partnership  Consultancy – skills transfer  PIPSS – funding “win-win” collaborative partnerships  Consortium projects – partner to gain technology  Licensing – for Intellectual Property  Spinout formation – with Seed Fund support

CERN: The Future of Information Technology Web-based databases  CERN Technology Database  Searchable technology database at  Searchable grants database at

CERN: The Future of Information Technology Forthcoming KITE club events  CERN awareness seminars in Leatherhead and Harwell 22/  DTI ITS mission to CERN  CERN Industry Showcase  Scintillators and Active Materials – October 2004  Software for Games Developers – October 2004  Cryogenics and vacuum technology – October 2004

CERN: The Future of Information Technology Contacts For partnerships: Nathan Hill Tel: +44 (1223) For contract opportunities: Ian Stagg Tel: +44 (1208)