WARM-UP Which type of air is more dense, warm air or cold air? Complete the boxes below by drawing particles for the different air temperatures using your answer from #1 3. What type of air would sink and why? 4. What type of air would rise and why? Cold Air Warm Air
Big Goal We will ACT, THINK, and WORK on a college level We will be able to independently score 85% or Higher on all assessments
Objective Explain how the interactions of air masses form frontal boundaries.
Agenda Warm Up Fronts Notes and clips Whiteboard Challenge Independent Practice Exit Ticket
Quote of the Day “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.” ~Vincent T. Lombardi
Air Masses Notes Air mass: a large body of air with similar temperatures and amount of moisture As it moves, the characteristics of the air mass change and so does the weather in the area
Air Masses Moisture of source Temperature of source Continental: formed over land (DRY) Maritime: formed over water (HUMID) Temperature of source Polar: formed over polar area (COLD) Tropical: formed over tropical area (WARM)
Where would the 4 different air masses originate? mT, mP, cP, cT
Fronts Form when two air masses meet They are the boundary that separates the two air masses There are 4 types of fronts…
Warm Fronts Warm air mass meets and rises above cold air mass Associated with slow and steady rain, followed by hot, humid weather gentle slope
Cold Fronts Cold air masses overtake and pushes under warm air mass Forms faster Heavy rains and violent thunderstorms, followed by fair, cool weather Steeper slope
http://www. teachersdomain. org/resource/mck05. sci. ess. watcyc http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/mck05.sci.ess.watcyc.fronts/
Stationary Fronts Front does not move because air flows parallel to front line, instead of into each other Gentle to moderate precipitation Cloudy grey skies that could last for days
What do this look like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFAkqHyFtkA
Lightning Quick Review What is the difference between a warm front and a cold front? 2) Which forms faster, a warm front or a cold front?
Which fronts are shown?
Occluded Fronts Cold fronts move faster than warm fronts They can catch up to and overtake a warm front, wedging the warm air upward Complex; Heavy rains followed by light precipitation for several days
Whiteboard Challenge Rules: You will be working in a small group Every person in your group must participate in answering the question You can only work with the people in your group! First group done with the correct answer will get the point In order to get the point you have to have the correct answer fully written out on your board AND explain how you got your answer to the rest of the class! Group with the most points gets a prize!!!! In order to get the point you have to have the correct answer AND explain how you got your answer to the rest of the class!
Draw the symbol for a WARM FRONT #1 Draw the symbol for a WARM FRONT
Which type of front brings heavy rains and violent thunderstorms? #2 Which type of front brings heavy rains and violent thunderstorms? Cold Front
Which air mass has a more gentle slope? # 3 Which air mass has a more gentle slope? Warm Front
What is the symbol for a STATIONARY front? # 4 What is the symbol for a STATIONARY front?
Why does warm air rise at a front? # 5 Why does warm air rise at a front? Because it is less dense and less dense air will rise
Why does cold air stay close to the ground? # 6 Why does cold air stay close to the ground? Cold air is more dense and will sink closer to the ground
What is the symbol for an OCCLUDED front? # 7 What is the symbol for an OCCLUDED front?
Describe the weather that follows a warm front. # 8 Describe the weather that follows a warm front. Hot, humid, warm weather follows a warm front
What weather follows a cold front? # 9 What weather follows a cold front? Fair, mild, cool weather follows a cold front
# 10 Which front does not move because air flows parallel to front line, instead of into each other? Stationary Front
# 11 Draw AND Label the symbol for EACH FRONT: Warm: Cold: Stationary: Occluded:
# 12 Compare and contrast a COLD front and a WARM front. You must have at least 2 points for each! Gentle Slope Steep Slope Slow Steady Rain Heavy rain and violent thunderstorms Warm, humid Air follows Fair, colder air follows
Independent Practice On the back of your notes, quietly complete your worksheet If you have questions: Use your notes Quietly ask a neighbor Ask me! When you are done, go to the front board to get the answer key and check your answers at your seat. When you are done, return the key to the board.
Exit Ticket Silently and Independently complete your exit ticket. Do not use your notes.