Name Carbon Cycle Assignment 55 points Carbon Cycle Assignment 55 points
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Slide 2 Is worth 19 pts Slide 2 Is worth 19 pts Screenshot entire electronic worksheet when done, should 19/19 right Screenshot a 6/6 on reservoirs game
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Lesson 1: Step 2 Total Carbon Emissions Gaseous Carbon Ocean WaterFossil Fuels Biosphere Gaseous Carbon To Year SmokestackAtmosphere Ocean Surface Deep OceanOil and GasCoalSoil Terrestrial Plants Carbon Cycle Simulation Click Here Slide 5 Is worth 11 pts Slide 5 Is worth 11 pts
4. Why will it drop off after this point? Slide 6 Is worth 5 pts Slide 6 Is worth 5 pts 1. What is going to happen to the carbon dioxide levels as time passes? 2. How is this going to effect the Biosphere? 3. What is the highest level of Co2 that the earth will ever have? Screenshot a picture of the graph in the bottom left of the simulation when you are done
1. List the four reservoirs for carbon that occur on land and list how many units of carbon are stored in each - 1. List the four reservoirs for carbon that occur on land and list how many units of carbon are stored in each - 2.Why don’t plants decrease the overall Co2 level in the atmosphere? 3. How much carbon does the surface of the ocean store? Does it release more or less to the atmosphere? Explain why it is called a sink then…. 4.How does carbon enter and leave the food web of the ocean? 5. How many units of carbon sits in the deep waters of the ocean? Global Carbon Cycle Animation Slides 3 and 4 (15) points
6. How does carbon get from the dead sea creatures back into the carbon cycle? How many units enter the atmosphere this way? 7. What are the two ways that Co2 gets into the atmosphere? 8. How many units enter the atmosphere and how many units does the atmosphere release? What does this imbalance cause Complete the quiz and hit apple-shift-4 to screenshot it here 3 pts Complete the quiz and hit apple-shift-4 to screenshot it here 3 pts
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