1.Start the game by creating 3-4 teams or 3-4 individual competitors. Give each team/competitor a bell or buzzer. 2.Ask the competitor with the birth date closest to the day’s date to start the game by picking a category. Game host should then click and read what is listed on the $10 square of the category chosen. Participants must proceed from the lowest to the highest dollar amounts under each category. 3.The team that rings their bell first, answers the question. 4.To advance to the answer, click on the question slide. 5. If they answer correctly, they receive the appropriate money award and choose the next category. (If a team answers incorrectly, you can subtract the award money as a variation on the game.) 6. Have teams take turns choosing the category after each wrong answer. 7.When you wish to proceed to the board game after each answer slide, click on the “home” icon in the lower left corner. Clicking elsewhere will lead you to a wrong slide. 8.When all category levels have been exhausted, click in any of the category cells at the top of the game board to advance to the final bonus round. 9.Participants can wager all or part of their winnings during the final round, and thus loose it if their answer is wrong or win the amount if their answer is correct. 10.If desired, have a simple reward for the winning team and consolation prizes for the non-winners. INSTRUCTIONS Materials: PPT game; bells for each team/competitor; play money in $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, and $100 denominations (optional, see slide #58)
Choose a category. You will be asked a question. You must give the correct answer. Click to begin.
Click Here for Bonus Round
SUN & SEASONS WILD WEATHER INSTRUMENTS EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 IN THE K N O W !
Another name for a hurricane
Cyclone or Typhoon $10
Name given to someone who studies the weather
Meteorologists $20
This wild weather phenomenon results in the most deaths from year to year in the U.S.
Floods and Flash Floods $30
The temperature at which water turns to ice, or ice turns to water
32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius $40
Lightning is this far away if you can count to ten between the “flash” of lightning and the “bang” of its thunder.
2 Miles $50
This instrument measures the temperature
Thermometer $10
This instrument measures air pressure
Barometer $20
This instrument measures the wind speed
Anemometer $30
This instrument measures humidity
Hygrometer $40
This large, expensive, and valuable tool simulates and predicts tomorrow’s weather
Supercomputers with weather models $50
The scientific name for big thunder clouds
Cumulonimbus clouds $10
True or False: Clouds are a gas Why?
False. Clouds are made of ice and/or very small droplets of water. $20
Most of our atmosphere is composed of this gas
Nitrogen (78% of our atmosphere) $30
These beautiful lights in the night sky are caused by large storms on the Sun.
Aurora, Aurora Borialis, Aurora Australis, Northern or Southern Lights $40
A narrow “river” of strong wind high in the atmosphere between 20,000 and 40,000 feet up (about miles up)
Jet Stream $50
Hurricane season in the U.S. is NOT during one of these months: April, July, or October
April (the Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30) $10
In the U.S., tornados are most plentiful during this season
Spring (then summer then fall; months that have the most are May, June, April, then July) $20
Reason we have seasons
Earth’s tilt on its axis – In the Northern Hemisphere we tilt toward the Sun in the summer and away from the Sun in the winter. $30
The Sun is closest to the Earth during this month/season
January/Winter $40
The approximate distance the Sun is from Earth
93 million miles $50
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In our atmosphere, is Ozone: Good, Bad, or Both? Please explain!
It is both! Bad in the troposphere near people; Good and VERY important in the stratosphere.
Congratulations Contestants on Completing Weather You’re In-the-Know Game Show