Marketing Week /14/07 ASC Coach: Bill Wardell ASC Special Guest: Members Websites R esearch P ublishing M arketing NFL on Monday Night
Marketing Introductions/Check In! Agenda for Call – We picked websites for review. Who will raise their Hands Planning for this months Marketing calls! Developing your own Marketing style, and why?
Marketing: How to Do it? 1. There are many way to Market and the best way is not to Market at all!!! 2. Focus on Your Visitors and Optimize for success 3. VOOM! Visitors Optimized Organic Marketing Develop your own Recourse Guide – Check out Bill Urell’s guide!
Marketing Publicity Who can have it? What is it? When to get it? Where to look for it? Why would you want it? and How to get IT?
Marketing 101 – Live Radio The biggest boom to your credibility and to becoming an authority in your niche, is sharing who you are with others. No better way than a live radio show, to bring the real you and over time creating a personality, that people can relate to…
Marketing 101 – BlogTalkRadio Free account, free file hosting, free promotion, have you Joined yet!
Marketing Wrap-up! Assignment for May, Build your Marketing Plan for the rest 2007 and the year ASAP! Study the page that Bill Urell has set-up for everyone at ASC here is the link: Maybe the most important thing you can do as a Internet Marketing is Publish the content in a way that creates a natural flow through your Authority Site! Set-up an Auto-Responder and niche series… Build your own Resource Guide – Based on the research you have done, it should be easy to fill in all the blanks or holes in your niche ~ Mark Braunstein ASC Partner…
Marketing 101 – Publicity Wrap-up Have you Googled your name? Have you Googled you competition name? Did you know, that Digg is looking fro new content to uploaded as podcast! Do you believe that podcasts are more powerful than videos?
Marketing Q&A Q&A about Marketing Who Wants To Make Money In 2007 Then Who did their Planning
Bill’s Hot Tips! Buy Dave Lakhani Books, and get on his lists! Starting with the Power of An Hour: Business and Life Mastery in One Hour A Week All publicity is good! No matter the source or circumstances!