PARENT ORIENTATION Mrs. Smith’s 5 th Grade
7 HABITS OF HAPPY KIDS 1.BE PROACTIVE- You’re in Charge- I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes and moods. I do the right think without being asked, even when no one is looking. 2.BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND-Have a Plan-I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom. I look for ways to be a good citizen. 3.PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST-Work First, Then Play-I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I shouldn’t do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. 4.THINK WIN-WIN-Everyone Can Win-I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives. 5.SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD-Listen Before You Talk-I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I look people in the eyes when talking. 6.SYNERGIZE-Together Is Better-I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups and know that teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. 7.SHARPEN THE SAW-Balance Feels Best-I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I find meaningful ways to help others.
SUPPLIES Please make sure your child has all of their supplies. This includes a pencil box. Replace supplies if needed throughout the year. Students will need to transport their supplies to Social Studies and Math each day. It is also a good idea to have a set of school supplies at home for homework assignments.
HOMEWORK Homework will be given each night. Woodfill’s Homework policy suggests that 5 th graders receive between minutes. All homework is due the following day of which it is assigned unless a specific date is given. There will be several long term assignments.
STUDENT PLANNERS Student planners will need to be signed and checked each night. Students will be recording all of their homework assignments in these planners Feel free to use the planner as a communication tool.
COMMUNICATION is a great way to start communication. Some topics should not be discussed via . Face-to-face conferences will occur for major issues or concerns. Voic is another way to start communication or to send a message.
GRADING POLICY AND SCALE Grades will be determined based on an average of quizzes, tests, projects, homework, and class participation. Extra Credit is typically given once a quarter and sometimes bonus points will be awarded to specific assignments A 85-94B 75-84C 70-74D Below 70U
READING Reading-We will be using the Journeys series as well as class novel sets. Students will be tested on vocabulary and comprehension skills with each weekly story. Independent Reading –Students will be completing several “book projects” throughout the year. AR-Students will be encouraged to continue using this program to reach the 100 point club.
ENGLISH/WRITING Fifth grade students will continue to work on a variety of writing pieces which will be part of their writing portfolio for the district. Most final pieces will need to be typed and are expected to be proofread and polished. On Demand Writing will continue to be a major focus in the 5 th grade. We will be using the English/Grammar program that goes along with our Journeys Reading series as well as Daily Language Review. Capitalization, punctuation, word usage, parts of speech, etc. will be assessed in a formal and informal manner throughout the year.
SPELLING The 5 th grade spelling program goes along with the Journeys Reading program. Students will receive a list of 20 words on Monday that are grouped together according to structural similarities and spelling patterns. On Friday, students will be asked to spell these words correctly. Some weeks, students will also be asked to learn the meanings of the words for their Friday assessment. All Spelling will be done in cursive.
SCIENCE All 5 th grade students will have Mrs. Smith for Science. Throughout the year students will be studying: life, physical, and earth science. Specific units include: matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems, stars and the solar system, earth’s systems, and structure and property of matter. Students will also be completing a unit from the Sanitation District on Water Conservation. Every 5 th grade student across the district will be expected to complete a Science Fair project.
MATH All 5 th Graders will have Miss Schuman for Math. Students in the 5 th grade will continue to use the Everyday Math program which is very “hands on”. SRB-Student Reference Book-is the only “textbook” and it can be taken home each night to assist with homework. Home Links and Journal- workbooks that students will be taking home and using in class on a daily basis. Students will have math homework on a daily basis.
SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Hils will be teaching all 5 th grade students Social Studies. Social Studies includes: Five Themes of Geography, First Americans/Native Americans, Exploration, Colonial Life, Government, Foundations of Freedom (Revolutionary War, Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.), Westward Expansion, Cultures, Civil War, Economics, Kentucky History and Geography, and the 20 th Century! 5 th Grade Field Trip to Conner Prairie in the Spring of the year.
WIN TIME ( WHAT I NEED) Every day from 10:25-10:55 students will go to their WIN group for math or reading. These groups will be determined based on skills needed as evidenced from the STAR Assessments. Students will receive instruction on the specific skills that they are struggling with. For example: one group may need to focus on adding and subtracting fraction with unlike denominators. Students will have the chance to move from one group to another at several points during the school year. ALL students will be placed where they need to be placed!
SPECIAL CLASSES P.E. –with Matt Gessner ART-with Jennifer Flynn Library- with Susan Sousa Music- with David Rockel Spanish- with Silvia McClamrock