Breakdown of Direct Mail Part 2
What You Need 1.Prospects 2.Material (Envelopes, Postage, lumpy mail, etc) 3.Your offer 4.Response Mechanism 5.Follow up sequence 6.Mistakes to watch out for
Response Mechanisms Call to business. (Google voice, establish credibility with voic ) Squeeze page. (Opt in form where you capture there name and . Great for follow up. Lower response rate) Pre-recorded message. (Pre-sells them on exactly what you are going to do for them. Great way to prime prospect.) address Website
Sample Squeeze Page
Follow Up Follow up mailings can include. More then one mailing Free report Strategy session Remind them that they were interested in your service Secretary follow up Direct Phone Call Auto Responder sequence Case studies Informative data
What to Watch out For Not enough testing. Same offer can be bad for one niche but good for another Address the envelope first then Postage. Make sure you have the right postage Don’t lick all the envelopes Keep your head up. Keep going. Keep going.