Why some teens use drugs Looking cool. Feeling accepted by peers. Escaping emotional problems. Peer pressure. Media. Television Movies
Why are drugs harmful to teens? Harms growth and development. Harms mental/emotional health. Drugs are illegal. Drugs use creates problems at school.
Drug use and the law Drug possession – when a person has or keeps illegal drugs. Probation – set period of time during which a person who has been arrested must check in regularly with a court officer. Direct connect between drug use and crime.
Reasons to avoid drugs Show respect for yourself. Show that you care for yourself and your health. You can plan for your future. You stay in control. You will act more responsibly. You respect the law.
Alternatives to drug use Alternative – another way of thinking or acting. Sports Clubs Hobbies Play music Part of a play Volunteering
How to refuse drugs Resisting peer pressure Most likely to pressure you to use drugs. Refusal skills – effective strategies for saying no to harmful behaviors. Assertive – willing to stand up for yourself in a firm but positive way.
S.T.O.P. Say no in a firm voice. Tell why not. Offer other ideas. Promptly leave.