Towards the Energy Union – Public Private Partnerships as a strategic tool for bringing energy innovation to the market Johan Blondelle European Commission DG RTD- Energy Green City Conference Petrovac, Montenegro 9-10 October 2015
Energy Union 5 Policy areas: Security of Supply Fully Integrated Internal Market Energy Efficiency Emissions Reduction Research and Innovation
Fuel Cells & Hydrogen technologies in the context of the European Energy policy Sustainability -H2 is a clean energy carrier -Transport and Energy applications, generate electricity and heat with very high efficiency -Possibility for storage of renewable energy sources -Reduction of CO2 emissions Energy Security -Increase independence from unstable outside regions Competitiveness -research excellence leading to industry innovation and growth
1. Definition and Legal Framework 4
Contractual PPP's In cPPP's, there is a strong industry commitment as well as a ring-fenced budget. The implementation is managed through regular H2020 calls under Commission responsibility. The five oldest contractual Public-Private Partnerships are: European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI) Photonics Robotics High Performance Computing (HPC) Advanced 5G networks for the Future Internet (5G) The three new PPPs in the "Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology" part of Horizon 2020 are:Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology Factories of the Future (FoF) Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE)
Joint Technology Initiatives established under FP7 First experience with setting up long-term public-private partnerships in research at EU level Coordinate research efforts responding to industry needs Focus on fields of high industrial relevance, on key areas where research could contribute to Europe's competitiveness' goals Built on European Technology Platforms Implemented through new legal entities - Joint Undertakings Joint Undertakings established as Community bodies (Article 187 TFUE) 6
Criteria for identifying JTIs Strategic importance of the field Risk of market failure Added value at Union level Scale of impact on industrial competitiveness and sustainable growth Long-term industry commitment Inadequacy of existing EU instruments 7
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI 2) – RTD Aeronautics and Air Transport (CLEAN SKY 2)- RTD Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH 2) –RTD UPDATED: Electronic Components and Systems (ECSEL) – CNCT NEW: Bio-Based Industries (BBI) - RTD NEW: Rail Research (Shift²Rail) - MOVE 8 Existing JTI's
Community Body : Framework Financial Regulation EC Staff Rules, Protocol of P&I VAT exemption … 'Mini-Commission':Annual Implementation Plan Annual Activity Report Annual Accounts (CoA) Discharge by the EP … Principle of Co-financing with EU / Industry Established up to 2024 Annual Progress Reports and Interim Evaluations 9 Commonalities of JTIs
2. FCH Joint Undertaking 10
Strong Public-Private Partnership with focused objectives
-1266 Participations -545 Beneficiaries (incl. international cooperation e.g. CH, NO, IL, TR, IS, RS, CN, RU & US) Projects involving 22 EU Member States
To reduce Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions in Europe -Demonstration of > 260 hydrogen cars -Installation of > 20 hydrogen refueling stations -Demonstration of > 74 hydrogen buses -Demonstration of > 400 hydrogen materials handling vehicles -Demonstration of auxiliary power units for trucks, planes and maritime applications HyTransit 3EMotion
To increase the European energy security (1) Wind turbines in Denmark Photovoltaics in Spain
To increase the European energy security (2) -Demonstration of high power electrolysers coupled to renewable energy sources -Demonstration of integrated systems -Demonstration of hydrogen production through concentrated solar energy -Hydrogen Underground storage
To reduce European energy consumption -Demonstration of > 1000 residential micro-CHP units in 12 Member States (system efficiency > 95%) -Demonstration of 3 industrial CHP projects >1,5 MW -Demonstration of > 37 back-up power systems
Connecting the European grids Electricity Gas Transport
Supported R&D activities (and beyond…) -Total of 155 research and demo projects (supported by 7 studies) -Total value of about 1 bill € (incl 450 mill € EU support)
FCH JU current portfolio: 155 projects
Achievements - Usages
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen community in Europe Source: Trends in investments, jobs and turnover in the Fuel cells and Hydrogen sector, 2012
3. FCH 2 Joint Undertaking under Horizon
Multi-annual Work-Plan Continuation of EU support under Horizon EU budget: 665 mill. EUR -Objectives: reduce the (production) cost, increase the lifetime, increase the efficiency, reduce ‘Critical raw materials’
FCH 2 JU objectives
Objective: Assess role and commercial viability of energy storage Assuming technology neutrality Combining Evolution of energy system Technology parameters evolution Storage business cases Regulatory aspects Includes heat and hydrogen storage for use outside of power sector Created by coalition of 30+ organisations Developed by McKinsey Report downloadable from 25 Energy Storage Study
Main conclusions
Objective: Establish a common view on future market potential of fuel cell distributed generation Understand various technologies, potential applications, prospects and business opportunities in light of macroeconomic scenarios Created by coalition of 30+ organisations Developed by Roland Berger Report downloadable from 27 Distributed Generation Study
28 Main findings
29 Distributed CHP vs central generation
FCH JU Annual Event 2015 Place: “Charlemagne building”, Rue de la Loi 170, B-1040 Brussels, in the heart of the EU Institutions area 8th Stakeholder Forum : 19 November 2015 European Industry and Research communities together with decision-makers will discuss on alignment and integration of activities and instruments at Regional, National, European and International level to accelerate the commercialisation phase of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies Programme Review Days: 17 – 18 November 2015 All FCH JU funded projects (a selection will also present) will be assessed for their progress status and the targets fixed in the multi-annual and annual work plans Details of the programme and registration information will be available soon at
Thank you for your attention ! Further info : FCH JU: NEW-IG: N.ERGHY: