Learning Outcomes for Today To be able to give examples of different drugs (legal and non legal) To be able to explain the effects that drugs can have on the body To consider the reasons why people start using drugs
In Pairs – 2 minutes Write down the names of as many drugs as you can think of. Remember not all drugs are ILLEGAL ones there are LEGAL ones too.
Drugs There are many different types of drug, They include: Cannabis Cocaine Heroin Steroids e.g. sport enhancing drugs Nicotine/Tobacco Caffeine Painkillers e.g. Paracetamol
Drugs are substances that have effects on the body MEDICINES - are drugs that help people suffering from pain or disease RECREATIONAL DRUGS - are taken for pleasure.
The Effects of Different Drugs Use the card sort to try and match up the drug with the EFFECT that is has on the body.
Drugs and their effects
CANNABIS Most widely used ILLEGAL drug in Britain It is a mild sedative often causing a chilled out feeling or actual sleepiness Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease.
COCAINE Cocaine is a stimulant, so it can, make the heart beat faster and stave off feelings of hunger. Very addictive. It can be difficult to resist the craving and strong psychological dependence. Class A drug - illegal to have, give away or sell.
HEROIN Heroin is a very strong illegal painkiller. Heroin slows down body functions Most users get a rush or buzz a few minutes after taking it. Bigger doses can make the user sleepy and very relaxed.
Sports Enhancing Drugs - Steroids Sports enthusiasts claim steroids make them able to train harder. If taken during a strict exercise regime, they can help build muscle mass. Illegal and sports men and women are tested regularly
TOBACCO Contains a drug called NICOTINE that is highly addictive. When a smoker inhales, the nicotine reaches the brain in 8 seconds. Regular smokers say it helps them relax and feel less hungry. Can cause cancer, emphysema or heart disease. It's estimated smoking contributes to 120,000 premature deaths in the UK every year.
CAFFEINE Stimulant drug Found in drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks Many people become addictive
For your notes – 10 minutes Pick at least 2 DRUGS (try to do more) In your notes tell me: What effects it has on the body Any risks from taking the drug Anything else you know! If you finish EXPLAIN reasons why people start taking drugs in the first place and why it is hard to give them up