Hosted by Ms. Gharda
Name that Myth Ouch! Plot Details Mythological Roots
Row 1, Col 1 Who is Icarus and Daedalus?
1,2 Who is Poseidon?
1,3 Who is Narcissus?
1,4 Who is Pandora?
1,5 Pandora’s box is filled with creatures that represent the ills that beset mankind, which is an example of this element. Who is Prometheus?
2,1 He falls in love with his own reflection—one who can’t love him back– as punishment for rejecting Echo’s love. Who is Narcissus?
2,2 He is chained to Mount Parnassus, where vultures eat out his liver every day. Who is Prometheus?
2,3 He is punished with a deep thirst, but when he reaches out to take a drink, the water escapes his reach. Who is Tantalus?
2,4 He must roll a rock uphill, but it always rolls back halfway. Who is Sisyphus?
2,5 Because she ate, she was forced to spend six months of the year in the underworld. Who is Persephone?
3,1 What is a god? Telemachus mistakes Odysseus for this when he is transformed before his eyes.
3,2 Helios’s threat if the men lay a finger on his cattle. What is the men will all be eaten?
3,3 Odysseus is dressed as this upon his return. What is a beggar?
3,4 What is Hades, or the Underworld? Odysseus is sent here to get the prophecies of his future from Tiresias.
3, 5 Odysseus has been away from home for this long. What is twenty years?
4,1 This word, meaning causing one to feel love, arises from Aphrodite’s assistant who used his bow and arrow to make others fall in love. What is “erotic”?
4,2 What is “panic”? This word indicating great fear leading to chaos arises from the name of a god whose yell was so frightening that it caused the Titans to scatter in ____________.
4,3 This is the word for repeating sound, because this nymph was punished by Hera in the form of being unable to speak except to repeat the last few words of words she hears. What is “echo”?
4,4 Because of this character punished so that food and water he desired would always be just out of reach, this word has come to mean desires that lie beyond our grasp. What is “tantalize”?
4,5 This word arose from the story of a character who fell in love with himself, meaning someone who is conceited. What is “narcissistic”?