Recent Advances in ViPER David Mihalcik Jonathan Shneier David Doermann
Work in Progress Improved SE processes. (Web site, SourceForge, etc.). Rewriting the GT modules using the API. – Allows for more freedom in individual modules. – Undo/redo support. – API has interface for editing viper data schema. – Already have non-editable timeline and canvas views. Enhancing PE to support: – ROC curve drawing. – Enhancing “don’t care” functionality to support “really care” rules. Perhaps generalize to a computed “care” factor.
Current Hazy Plans Enhancing API to support: – Plain text search. – Relations. – Generated attributes. – Inheritance? Possibly ontology integration: OWL or RDFS – see paper on using description logics to enhance multimedia libraries. Multi-level evaluation of activities. Would like to integrate: – Object-level evaluation. – Action-level evaluation. – Higher-level evaluation.
Process Improvement SourceForge web site: – Actively maintaining list of requirements and goals.
Timeline View Based on Jon Heggland’s OntoLog. Other existing tools include timeline editors in video/sound/multimedia editing tools, Plaisant’s LifeLines, etc.
Current Timeline
Lvalues + Cityscape + Indoors + Outdoors - Background
Objects + People + Faces + Text - Objects
Need for Ontology Integration Support for relations. – This event is composed of these activities. – These people participated in these activities. – More generally, this object is related to these other objects. Support for inheritance. – This object type represents a subset of all objects in this type, e.g. ‘arrive’ is a subclass of ‘move’.
Ontology Integration Using simple description logics, probably getting a third generation, non-compatible ViPER data format in the process. OWL – the W3C’s web ontology language, is a layer on top of RDF (what OntoLog uses) to support DL reasoning. – Using n3, would look somewhat similar to old format, if a little more difficult to understand the header or parse without an n3 parser. – Using XML, would be even more verbose than new format. – Grew from DAML, so there are already a variety of tools developed at UMCP.
Example of Possible Data Format owl:Ontology rdf:about <> ; owl:imports ; owl:imports. :FileInformation rdfs:subClassOf viper:FileDescriptor. :named a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf viper:hasAttribute ; rdfs:label "has file name of" ; rdfs:range :FileInformation ; rdfs:domain. a viper:Sourcefile ; viper:hasFileDescriptor [ a :FileInformation ; :named [ a :svalue ; :hasValue “a.mpg” ] ].
Activity and Event Evaluation At the most simple, do signal detection type evaluation, allowing ROC analysis. – For near misses, can do some sort of windowed approach. – Using partial order of activities, can evaluate at different levels of meaning. Important event -> people event -> steal book. However, activities can be complex, and may want to evaluate them at multiple levels.
Activity Decomposition Regard each event as an aggregation of smaller activities. Check how well it segmented the activities: – For each event, compare all related objects/activities. – Get back a score for each event.