Animation Liveliness Simulation of motions A video made from a series of drawings/images simulating motions by means of slight progressive changes.
Animation Flash allows to create vector-based animations. Typically, animation on the Web is either based on GIF files, scripting languages such as JavaScript, or programming languages such as Java.
Flash 5 Flash is a vector graphics editor and an animation and authoring tool designed for creating web page graphics, animations and interactivity. Make movies in Flash by creating a series of graphics on the stage.
The Flash work environment When creating and editing movies, you typically work with these key features: –The Stage, the rectangular area where the movie plays –The Timeline, where graphics are animated over time –Symbols, the reusable media assets of a movie –The Library window, where symbols are organized –The Movie Explorer, which gives an overview of a movie and its structure –Floating, dockable panels, which enable you to modify various elements in the movie and configure the Flash authoring environment to best suit your workflow
Stage Stage is the area where you create and lay out your graphics. The Stage is where you compose the content for individual frames in the animation, drawing artwork on it directly or arranging imported artwork.
Stage Size of the stage determines the size of the Flash movie, to change the size of the stage: choose Modify- Movie or CTRL+M
Frames Like films, Flash movies divide lengths of time into frames.
Graphics and Layer Graphics can be composed of multiple graphics. Each graphics can be assigned to a discrete layer This allows some graphics to be on top of or beneath other graphics
Layer and Timeline Each layer has a timeline row Timeline is used to create Animation
Frames and Timeline Each frame of an animation is represented as a point on the timeline, at which a movie can change The frames where changes occur are called keyframes
Keyframe and Animation Create animation by modifying the graphic at a specific keyframe.
Two ways to Animate Frame-by-frame –In frame-by-frame animation you create the image in every frame. Tweening –In tweened animation, you create starting and ending frames and let Flash create the frames in between.
Tweening Tweening is an animation technique (for simulating motion) in which you create a beginning and ending keyframe and flash creates the frames in between
Tweening requirments Motion Tween: –Graphics must be turned into symbols or grouped objects. Shape Tween: –Graphics must be turned into shape (Break Apart or, Ctrl+B).
Three types of graphics in Flash You should be able to recognize these graphics when selected. And the fourth one is the imported bitmap graphics.
Tweening can be applied to Motion Tween: can be applied only to Grouped Objects, Symbols and Bitmaps. Shape Tween: can be applied only to Shapes.