Auchinleck Academy Curriculum for Excellence The Senior Phase- Pathways to Employment Alison Sheeran-S6 Student Carolyn Ingram- Depute Head Teacher
Pathways to Employment offers variety of choices and progression routes to suit different needs and abilities designed to enhance students’ employability develops skills for life, learning and work builds confidence and self esteem offers weekly work experience throughout school session
Vocational Options: Child Care Construction and Engineering
Child Care: Int 1 Lifestyle and Consumer Technology Weekly placement in local primary or nursery Construction and Engineering: Int 1 Engineering Skills Weekly placement in local construction firm
Life Literacy: Functional literacy for life and work Preparing for work- CVs, application forms, interview skills, health and safety Project work- organising holidays, renting a home, understanding age laws Leads to: National Certificate Module in Communication SCQF level 4 Employability Award Certificate in Health and Safety in the Workplace
Money Management Numeracy for life and work: running a car, managing a home, paying bills, budgeting, opening a bank account, understanding wages, tax codes, interpreting timetables, calculating journey times Leads to: Certificate in Personal Finance- SCQF level 4
Duke of Edinburgh: Opportunities for personal achievement Development of new skills- e.g. video production, website design Team building activities Service to others = Increased confidence and self esteem
Pathways to Employment = More young people staying on in S5/6 Increased confidence Improved attendance and motivation Development of key skills Students who are responsible citizens Enhanced employment prospects Increase in number of young people moving on to positive and sustained destinations after school
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