Santa Cruz Meeting August 12 th 2008 Layout options & Schedule Issues David Lissauer 8/12/2008 1David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
Milestones End CE works: December 2010 Installation: 2011 Linac commissioning: 2012 Modifications PSB: shut-down 2012/13 (6 months) Beam from PSB: 1rst of May 2013 LHCC – 1 July, /12/20082 David Lissauer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
Construction of LP-SPL and PS2 will not interfere with the regular operation of Linac4 + PSB for physics. Similarly, beam commissioning of LP-SPL and PS2 will take place without interference with physics. Milestones Project proposal: June 2011 Project start: January 2012 LP-SPL commissioning: mid-2015 PS2 commissioning:mid-2016 SPS commissioning: May 2017 Beam for physics: July LHCC – 1 July, /12/20083David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
Normal RampNo phase II Year Peak Lumi (x ) Annual Integrated (fb -1 ) Total Integrated (fb -1 ) Peak Lumi (x ) Annual Integrated (fb -1 ) Total Integrated (fb -1 ) Collimation Linac4 + IR upgrade phase 1 New injectors + IR upgrade phase 2 Radiation damage limit ??? 8/12/2008 4David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Note: Predicted integrated Luminosity Lower than assumed.
Collimation phase 2 Linac4 + IR upgrade phase 1 New injectors + IR upgrade phase 2 Early operation 8/12/2008 5David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
Collimation phase 2 Linac4 + IR upgrade phase 1 New injectors + IR upgrade phase 2 Early operation 8/12/2008 6David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
8/12/2008 7David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Layout (4+3+2) Fixed Length Barrel 4 Pixel Layers: 1(2) b-layers “easily replaceable” inside a support tube. 3(2) Layers incorporated in the Fixed length Barrel. Mechanical Support: Off the tube? Off the Barrel 3 Pixel Discs on the outside. Internal Discs?
8/12/2008 8David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Layout Overview Barrel Length: 240 Cm (Full length) 12 sensors/side. Discs: 5 Discs / Side. Need optimization.
8/12/2008 9David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Layout Overview (4+3+2) Fixed Length.
8/12/200810David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Disc Layout is still uncertain. We need to converge on a “baseline” by the time of the Nikhef meeting. Solution with better coverage but more complicated from an Engineering point of view and more massive. - Need optimization.
Eng. Layout Studies 8/12/200811David Lissauer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Eng. Studies of the Layout. Global Support Tube: Pixel? – Very Short strips?
Baseline Assembly Sequence 8/12/200812David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. “Full” Assembly on the surface in “Global Tracker Tube” Barrel SS/LS Pixel outer Layers (2 or 3) Pixel Discs + Pixel Tube EC LS/SS + Pixel Tube Full test on the surface prior to installation Insertion from the side ~ 6.5 Meter Long ~1 meter Diameter Borated Poly insertion & Services preparation on the Cryostat Global Tube insertion from the side Services connections
13 ATLAS UPGRADE ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE OF INNER DETECTOR C.BAULT May 15th 2008 Outer cylinder Barrel-LS Pixel Barrel-SS Pixel Services INSERTION END-CAP NOSE + PIXEL DISCS 5-6 INTO OUTER CYLINDER End_Cap nose Pixel discs 5-6 Services
14 ATLAS UPGRADE ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE OF INNER DETECTOR C.BAULT May 15th 2008 Outer cylinder Barrel-LS Pixel Barrel-SS END-CAP NOSE + PIXEL DISCS 5-6 INSTALLATION OF SERVICES End_Cap nose Pixel discs 5-6 Services
15 ATLAS UPGRADE ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE OF INNER DETECTOR C.BAULT May 15th 2008 Outer cylinder Barrel-LS Pixel Barrel-SS End_Cap nose Pixel discs End_Cap main bloc with services INSERTION MAIN BLOC OF END-CAP INTO OUTER CYLINDER
16 Atlas IT envelope layout drawing 160 Pixel Electrical Connectors
ATLAS Timeline. LHCC will ask experiments for: LoI Letter of Intent – Mid 2009 TP Technical Proposal - spring 2010 TDR Technical Design report / Subsystem (do not have to be at the same time) ID – Late 2010 (early 2011) Calorimeters - Middle of 2011 Muons - Middle / Late 2011 (Depend on upgrade scope) 17 8/12/2008 David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting.
8/12/ David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Schedule Overview (Preliminary) Ready for beam December ‘17 Tracker Installation February ‘17 Tracker Ready for installation (Testing)July ‘16 Barrel Installation in the Support TubeJanuary ‘16 EC Installation in the Support TubeApril‘16 Stave installation startJune ‘14 Support Structure ready for installationJanuary ‘14 Start services installation EC Stave Production starts June ’13 Barrel Stave Assembly startsJanuary ’13 Readout Electronics and Stave components ready for assembly at this time.
Conclusions 8/12/200819David Lissuaer, Santa Cruz Meeting. Little feedback from Simulation to date!! We might not have significant feedback from physics analysis before final decisions will need to be made. To stay on Schedule need to agree on a baseline (at least for the barrel) by the NIKEHF meeting. Assembly on the surface has significant advantages. Might be the only solution that will allow installation of the detector in 18 month shut down. Has serious schedule implications!!! Detector needs to be ready ~12-18 month earlier.