1. The age I was when I figured out I could draw A. Age 5 drew a picture of my grandfather popping pop corn on a wood stove. B. Age 10 started coping free hand animals out of a drawing book C. Mom and Dad caught on and bought me a set of colored pencils and markers for Christmas D. The love affair with office supplies and art supplies begins` 2. Subjects I enjoyed drawing A. Animals, animals and more animals B. Art classes in middle school made me try different things (bad Portrait!) C. Started drawing rock stars at 16 (Portraits much improved!) D. Still love drawing animals too 3. New Mediums and art classes A. Seminole State College art classes B. Experimented with water colors, colored pencil, pastels C. Finally tried oil paints in my late 20’s—LOVE PAINTING! But better at drawing…
4. Ways to practice drawing and styles of drawing A. Magnetic drawing board and dry erase or chalk board 1. learn to draw quickly and loosely plus easily erased B. Loose paper or Drawing pad and any writing tool even crayons C. Tracing a picture to begin with, then try adding the color and shadows on your own. 1. Shadows are made up of different colors and values to create depth—it’s the different between a cartoon and a 3 dimensional appearing image. 2. Books on drawing will break down proportions of a subject to and give you tools help you draw with more accuracy without tons of erasing and starting over. Shading techniques
5. Drawing leads to other Art forms and Media A. Pottery B. Mixed Media C. Stained Glass D. Metal Working E. Various aspects of Design
Pottery is an ancient art form that Combines form and function and is still Used today
Mixed media is an art that combines several textures and materials from paper to fabric, wood, leaves, clay and other objects
Many artist choose to work in metal whether they like doing sculpture or designing jewelry.
Stained glass and glass blowing are other art forms that combine form and function as they are beautiful and useful
7. Careers for Fine Artists A. Courtroom Artist B. Medical Illustrator C. Greeting Card Artist D. Children’s Books Illustrator Courtroom illustrations
Medical Illustrator examples
Greeting card artwork
Thank you so much for letting me come and speak to you about something that means so much to me. It is my hope that through these examples of artistic style you will find the artist in you. Creativity is the language of the soul, and it just makes a person feel good to use it!