The Technology Of Photography
Who invented the camera? The inventor of the first pinhole camera was a man named Alhazen. Although Alhazen was the first creator of the camera Joseph Nicephore used his method to be the first to capture photography.
When was photography first taken? Photography was first taken in the summer of 1827.
Where was photography first taken? Photography was first taken in the home of Joseph Nicephore.
What is the use of negatives in photography? Negatives are used for adapting astronomical photographs.
Why was photography taken? Photography was first taken for viewing and drawing purposes in 1827.
TimeLine Fact #1 In the 4th-5th century B.C. Chinese philosophers describe the basic principles of optics and the camera.
Timeline Fact #2 In 1664-1666 Isaac Newton discovered that light is composed of different colors.
Timeline Fact #3 In 1794 the first Panorama opens the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Backer.
Timeline Fact #4 In 1814 Louis Daquerre created the first image that didn’t fade.
Timeline Fact #5 In 1851 Fredrick Scott Archer invented the Collodion Process that only required two or three seconds of light exposure to create a picture successfully.
The area of interaction that relates to my topic is human ingenuity The area of interaction that relates to my topic is human ingenuity. Human ingenuity reefer’s to how and why we create. My topic was focused around reasoning’s for creation of the camera. Photo’s From: Wikipedia Bibliography Photo’s From: Wikipedia
And This Was The Technology Of Photography. P.S This Picture Is Of The First Camera Ever Created.