University of Bergen public domain software: Systems for seismic data-acquisition and processing T.Utheim 1, J.Havskov 1, Ø.Natvik 1, J.Å.Ojeda 1 and L.Ottemoeller 2 1 Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway 2 British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, Scotland Data-acquisition: SEISLOG Main features: Routine processing: Phase picking, hypocenter location and magnitudes Determination of source parameters: Fault plane solution, stress drop, etc. Crustal structure: Velocities, layer thickness and attenuation. Seismic catalogs: ISC data, data base management, completeness, statistics, etc. Seismic hazard: Attenuation, catalogs, soil response Example modules: USGS world map, USGS most recent event, Last event Universidad de Chile, Last event NNSN The SEISLOG program in various versions has been around for more than 15 years. Currently SEISLOG runs on the platforms Linux, Windows, PocketPC(CE) and QNX (discontinued). The Linux version runs on different Linux embedded versions on different hardware architectures. The Linux and Windows versions optionally record data directly into a SEISAN data base in miniseed format. All SEISAN tools can then be used directly on the recorded data, including automatic processing. A built-in server-function is also sending out data buffers in LISS format. These data buffers can be requested for local or remote plotting using the LISSPLOT client program. Data from the server can also be requested, locally or remotely, as input to Earthworm or SeisComp/SeedLink. Data-processing: SEISAN The main goal of SEISAN is to organize data from all kinds of seismic stations into a simple database and to provide all the tools needed for routine processing. A secondary goal is to facilitate research tasks by taking advantage of having parametric and waveform data in a unified database and several research type programs working directly on the database are included. A third goal is that SEISAN must work in an identical manner under Sun, Linux an MS Windows and that data can be moved between the 3 platforms without any modification. Data-collection: SEISNET Information: SEISINFO In most seismological observatories public information services are an integrated part of the routine duties. Although much effort is dedicated to data-collection, acquisition and analysis, less is done to develop routines for display of earthquake information for the general public. At the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, earthquake observations are being conducted through the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN). General public information is part of the routine operations of the NNSN. This tradition began in 1905, when the first seismograph station in Norway was installed in Bergen at the Bergen Museum, following the 1904 earthquake in the Oslo area. As a part of the public services of the NNSN, a multi-purpose seismological information system (SEISINFO) is now being developed. The system is developed using the Java programming language for platform-independent operation. The main functions of the SEISINFO are integrated in a graphical user interface (GUI) where the different options are developed as separate modules. These include, stationary information (general earthquake info, maps etc.), automatically updated earthquake information, real-time seismogram displays, and additional web-based information services. Modular design of the software allows new modules to be added to fit changing needs. The outlook of the SEISINFO is user defined, based on several parallel multi-window displays of different modules. SEISLOG Shared Memory Data-structure Driver Digitizer SRV LISS Server 512 byte blocks MiniSEED Steim 1 Compr. SeisComp Acquisition Plugin LISS SeedLink EarthData RD3 SADC24 MiniSEED blocks can be requested on localhost or remotely via Internet. The LISS protocol is one-way only. Earthworm On SEISLOG Windows and SEISLOG Linux, SEISAN can be installed, and data can be recorded directly into the SEISAN data base for local processing. LISSPLOT SEISLOG Linux design Example LISSPLOT Earthworm reading data via Internet from embedded SEISLOG Linux station The SEISNET software is developed to combine seismic stations of various types with communication capabilities into a network. The main routines carried out by SEISNET are transfer of parametric data, network event detection, transfer of waveform data and automatic determination of epicentre location and magnitude. The data is stored in a central database, which is using the SEISAN system for storage and processing. Alternatively, the automatic waveform data transfer can be based on a given hypocentre and origin time. An important design goal has been to build software that can support various types of acquisition systems and communication methods. SEISNET is meant for networks with data acquisition on remote systems and is therefore not working in real-time. Main features: Retrieval of detection information from seismic stations. Retrieval of epicentral information provided by seismic centres. Retrieval of waveform data from seismic stations. Retrieval of waveform data using AutoDRM(Kradolfer,1996). Network event detection. Automatic phase identification, hypocentre location and magnitude determination. Transfer of waveform data from selected field stations based on given hypocentre location and origin time. SEISINFO at Bergen Museum. SEISLOG AutoDRM Quanterra QUAKE SEISAN DB SEISLOG With SEISAN database and local processing SEISLOG LISS server Transfer of parametric data Event declaration Transfer of waveform data Automatic phase link LocationNotification Central SEISAN DATABASE SEISNET Communication for data retreival can be done via Internet, dial-up modems or GPRS mobile phone Central SEISAN Processing software Earthworm SeisComp