This Project is co- founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre- Accession Assistance Cinzia LIBERATORE FB2 ABRUZZO REGION On behalf of Lead Beneficiary Introducing Easyconnecting CLUSTERING PROCESS “IL PROGETTO EASYCONNECTING” 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy) EUROPE – ADRIATIC SE – WAY FREIGHT
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy) 2 A GLANCE Project is co-financed by the the European Commission through the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme which works on the implementation of the cooperation process of the Adriatic area. The Project participated to the 1st Call for Strategic Proposals launched in 2012 and awarded in November 2013 Priority: 3 - Accessibility and networks Measure: 3.2 – Sustainable mobility systems Project code: 1°Str./0002
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 3 A GLANCE 7 countries, 17 partners Lead Partner Veneto Region Department of Transport Reform Logistic Section 7,8 Million € total budget (85% IPA co-financing) Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 4 PARTNERS Homogeneous distribution along the two coasts of the Adriatic area Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 5 CHALLENGES & PROBLEMS Disparities and structural weaknesses between regions of the Adriatic area Lack of cooperation between crossborder areas Many individual initiatives to develop policies Jeopardized development of infrastructures and multimodal solutions Underutilization of intermodal terminals and services Develop more efficient and competitive freight transport systems Develop more eco-friendly and eco-innovative solutions for transports Work jointly with the Adriatic-Ionian strategy Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance OBJECTIVES Boost cooperation between authorities in order to harmonize and develop a coherent and comprehensive integrated freight transport system, based also on ICT innovative solutions Involve public actors at different levels to define and test common initiatives on innovative freight multimodal solutions Support efficient connections between transport nodes and hinterland/crossborder areas Support integration of national and regional strategies and policies 6 Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 7 EASYCONNECTING – Specific objectives 1/3 Integrating and upgrading existing multimodal freight transport services In depth analysis of existing bottlenecks, of O/D flows. Gain specific common guidelines to develop more efficient and sustainable means of transports for freight, based on multi-modal choices, which will lead to cross-border cooperation agreements for harmonized freight transport policies and services What Through Result WP4-WP6-WP7 Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 8 EASYCONNECTING – Specific objectives 2/3 What Through Result WP5-WP7 Developing new and modernize existing multimodal physical infrastructure analysis of the current limitations of the transport network Identify the punctual (micro) investments needed to overcome those limitations especially in ports of the Adriatic area in order to verify their potential development in freight transport services Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 9 EASYCONNECTING – Specific objectives 3/3 What Through Result WP3-WP5-WP6 Stimulating institutional cooperation and capacity building through the exchange of know-how, experiences and best practices. This objective will be fulfilled also through capitalization of previous experiences in the Adriatic area and shared among partners and stakeholders signing of MoUs to be disseminated by the Partnership. Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 10 EASYCONNECTING – General structure WP1WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 General management, communication & dissemination Capitalization and sustainability Enhancement and integration of multimodal freight transport solutions Capacity Building and improvement of competences Stimulating and improving ports info standards Pilot Project for the development of Intermodal centres Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 11 EUSAIR – (II Pillar) TopicsActions/Specific objectives Topic 1 - Maritime transport To strengthen maritime safety and security and develop a competitive regional intermodal port system; Action - Clustering port activities/services throughout the region: Following the example of the existing NAPA cooperation agreement, harmonising the ports processes through a common ITS (Intelligent Transport System) would attract traffic that is now avoiding the Region. Action - Improving and harmonising traffic monitoring and management: Strengthening development of a Common Adriatic-Ionian Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information, will improve safety and security of maritime traffic in the region. Action - Developing ports, optimising port interfaces, infrastructures and procedures/operations: Developing the ports and port terminals in order to boost maritime transport, short-sea shipping capacity and cross-border ferry connectivity. Topic 2 - Intermodal connections to the hinterland To develop reliable transport networks and intermodal connections with the hinterland, both for freight and passengers; Action - Developing the Western Balkans comprehensive network: Western Balkans need to prioritise investments on the defined SEETO comprehensive network (railway, inland waterways, nodes and hubs, notably with the motorways of the sea), aimed at promoting sustainable transport in the Region, and to prepare their integration in the Trans-European Network – Transport (TEN-T) also with roadmap for investments. Action - Improving the accessibility of the coastal areas and islands: optimising use of freight and passenger routes and involving private and public stakeholders. Action - Developing motorways of the sea: Intermodal transport requires integrated management of the whole logistic chain. Essential elements are, inter alia, improved road and rail infrastructure linking ports with the hinterland and improved infrastructure within a port and ITS solutions. Action - Railway reform: Taking measures to expedite progress in railway reform, e.g. transparent non- discriminatory access to rail terminals, in particular in sea and inland ports, introducing a concession approach for infrastructure, with direct cost- oriented track access charges, performance schemes and management contracts for authorised applicants Action - Development of air transport: Action - Cross-border facilitation: This requires physical and non-physical investments on specific transport axes. Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance EUSAIR 12 Cross cutting issues Institutional and administrative capacity of the national and regional bodies responsible for transport (maritime, land, air) is essential for effective coordination at macro-regional level, for coordination in the TEN-T and TEN-E context and, eventually, for achieving the objectives set. Capacity building should aim, inter alia, to help joint planning, financing and implementation of actions. It should aim, first and foremost, to bolster macro-regional thinking. Communication and awareness-raising is essential for participation of stakeholders in the decision-making process and for building a feeling of ownership in the population. Investments in transports and in energy networks can benefit from innovative approaches which would come from research. The business community, and in particular the small and medium size enterprises, would benefit directly from investments in the sectors, Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance EASYCONNECTING & EUSAIR 13 Correlation with EASYCONNECTING on the coordinated approach that holds together the infrastructure topic with softer aspects related to innovation and the competitiveness of multimodal services Correlation with EASYCONNECTING on the macro-regional perspective essential to promote the development and the sustainable connection between transport networks The Cross-Border approach is underlined trough the idea of the MACRO AREAS (3) with different needs which will report detailed informations on unique MoU that we’ll forward to the EC and disseminate together with event in Brussel. Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy)
This Project is co-founded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Thanks for your attention Cinzia LIBERATORE FB2 – Abruzzo Region On behalf of Lead Beneficiary Clustering Process 24/09/2015 – L’Aquila (Italy) REGIONE ABRUZZO 14