6 December 2011 Patrizio Grillo Deputy HoU European Commission DG MOVE B2.


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Presentation transcript:

6 December 2011 Patrizio Grillo Deputy HoU European Commission DG MOVE B2

| 2 Content. Facts and figures. White paper. ICT and cross-border operations. 3 “I”: » Interoperability » Innovation » Initiatives. Cooperation. Priorities

| 3 Facts and figures. In 2009 – goods transport [source EC stat pocketbook 2011] » Road transport 46.6 % » Intra-EU maritime transport 36.8 % » rail 10.0 % » inland waterways 3.3 % » oil pipelines 3.3 % » intra-EU air transport 0.1 %. In passenger transport [source EC stat pocketbook 2011] » Cars 73.5% » Intra-EU air 8.0% » buses & coaches 7.8% » rail 6.2% » powered two-wheelers 2.4% » tram and metro 1.4%. » intra-EU maritime 0.6%.. Transport is responsible for about a quarter of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. [Source: European Environment Agency ]European Environment Agency » 0.7% by rail, » 1.8% by inland navigation, » 12.8% of overall emissions are generated by aviation, » 13.5% by maritime transport, » 71.3% by road transport (2008).

| 4 Transport White Paper 2011 is clear. Rail should capture a greater proportion of (sustainable) transport, in a competitive and multimodal environment, to meet the 2020 (2050) targets ICT can contribute to increase the performance and attractiveness of rail services

| 5 ICT and cross-border rail services. Cross-border operations » Need for cross-border information exchange » Need for unambiguous and standardised data » Need for interoperability between information systems of actors

| 6 The need for Interoperability. Council Directive 96/48/EC on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system. Directive 2001/16/EC of the EP and of the Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system. Directive 2004/50/EC of the EP and of the Council of 29 April 2004 amending Council Directive 96/48/EC and Directive 2001/16/EC. Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community (Recast)

| 7 Interoperability Directive and TSIs EUROPEAN STANDARDS Technical Specifications for Interoperability TSI DIRECTIVE Sub-system Telematics applications

| 8 Interoperability of information systems Directive 2001/16/EC & COM/99/0617 final. […], the Commission proposes giving immediate priority to harmonisation of […] data exchange, information technology and telecommunications, especially for freight transport; […].. Respect of precise schedules for delivery and real-time information on location of consignments is essential for an efficient supply chain. IT also permits much more efficient utilisation of assets, like wagons, terminals and trucks.. Steps must be taken to ensure that the data bases, software and data communication protocols are developed in a manner allowing maximum data interchange between different applications and operators, as well as a full access to the information for users.. The methods of use, management, updating and maintenance of these data bases, software and data communication protocols must guarantee the efficiency of these systems and the quality of the service.

| 9 The rationale is still valid! Telematics applications BETTER INFORMATION -> BETTER DECISIONS -> BETTER PERFORMANCE

| 10 TAF TSI (F=freight services). Written by the sector (AEIF). The Commission Regulation (EC) no 62/2006 was adopted on 23 December 2005 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 18 January Deployment plan written by the sector ( ). Implementation (initially foreseen 2014) remains largely on paper only (apart from development of common components. Revitalisation of the project

| 11 TAP TSI (P= passenger services). Written by ERA with the sector. The Commission Regulation (EU) no 454/2011 on TAP TSI was adopted on 5 May 2011 and published on 12 May Phase One: Implement. Preparation (by the sector) Phase Two: Development Phase Three: Deployment

| 12 TAP TSI Commission Regulation (EU) No 454/2011 of 5 May 2011 Vice-President Siim Kallas, 5 May 2011: "If we are serious about getting people onto rail, and particularly about having rail compete with air travel over middle distances then we need to offer rail passengers the seamless planning and ticketing offers that match the airlines. We want to make it as easy, in the future, to book a rail ticket from Barcelona to Brussels or Berlin to Bratislava as it is to book a corresponding flight. Making common timetabling and fare information available to operators is a significant first step, but it is just the start of a much bigger push to make pan European rail planning and ticketing a reality."

| 13 Innovation. ICT can provide innovative solutions for more (cost-) efficient and sustainable rail transport in the future. » European railway actors need to move toward up-to- date ICT » ICT can help rethinking/modernising rail business process in a European environment for better services » ICT can provide simple and easy solutions to small operators » ICT is essential to sell rail services and to inform customers in nowadays social media world (internet, web services, facebook, twitter, mobile applications- NFC,…)

| 14 Initiatives. Commission has intervened, but regulation should not prevent initiatives to improve European rail services. There are initiatives » such as RSRD 2, PCS, TIS, Orpheus, ISR, USE-IT, Hermes. Of course these initiatives should be in line or aligned with the regulations. or should the regulations be adapted?

| 15 Cooperation – liberalised market: compatible ideas?. Yes! Air transport did it. Do not forget the target = increasing the use of rail transport. How? » Agreeing on a fair and structured collaborative playground Task Force on future of telematics applications part B (incl. study)

| 16 What are the EC priorities for in IT for enhancing the use of Rail Transportation?. Implementation of » TAF TSI » TAP TSI » Interoperable computerised registers (ERATV, RINF, NVR,…). But also in the longer term (see White Paper) Multimodal e-freight multimodal journey planner multimodal (integrated) ticket …..

| 17 If they can have the info they need… …they may choose rail transport