WDFW/ NWIFC Juvenile Migrant Data Exchange (JMX) “Ye Olde Sub-title”
Project Purpose To establish a prototype Juvenile outmigrant Data Exchange Format To share Juvenile Out-migrant collection data To share another data stream (...still to be determined…)
Project Focus Puget Sound Will leverage project to share smolt data statewide
Steps to derive juvenile production estimates from primary data (e) Expanded catch(f) Efficiency strata Derived data #1 (i) Total production estimate Derived data #3 (b) Catch data(c) Efficiency trial Primary data (a) Trapping Period Information (d) Individual data (g) Stratified migration estimates Derived data #2 (h) Extrapolated migration estimates
Data Template Development Juvenile Out-migrant data collection survey circulated Draft Data Template and Database Schema developed based on outcome of November Kick-off meeting. Draft data template includes cross walk with existing juvenile databases (RMIS, FPC, ISEMP ATM).
Data Template – What’s Next? Draft Data Template will be reviewed by Osa Odum & Ron McFarland (NWIFC) for consistency with data elements in Water Quality Exchange. Data Exchange Template will be developed by WDFW and NWIFC. Windsor will take the Draft Template and Schema and develop into fully described data tables and data elements with validation rules. This is anticipated to be a 2- 3 month process for two people.
The JMX IS: (from the project kickoff meeting) The JMX template should be thought of as a vehicle to share data in a common format. JMX is a method to promote communication. JMX is a tool to promote collaboration. JMX is an idea to encourage consistency.
The JMX IS NOT: The “Master Database in the Sky….”
JMX Data Flow Tribal data sources WDFW regional data sources NWIFC JMX DB WDFW JMX DB JMX Node PSP Node and/ or Exchange Network Something Else Other Things Complete xfer Summary Something Else again? WDOE Node
JMX WDFW Node Installation Timeline 02/03/2010 Nov- Dec 2009: WDFW/ NWIFC working group starts researches Open Node 2 and review of NWIFC, ECY and DNR Node installation and setup. Jan - March 2010: Internal WDFW Server space acquisition. April 2010: Open Node 2 installation and configuration w. WDFW internal staff and Windsor consultants. July 2010: Data exchange template (DET) completed. Summer 2010: JMX DET configuration and implementation between PSP, NWIFC and WDFW. Fall 2010: Testing and revision and implementation of the JMX DET.
Needs & Clarifications Internal WDFW assessment of server infrastructure. We’ve decided to virtualize the Open node two server and JMYX Exchange database Consultation w. Windsor (Feb- March 2010). Assuming PSP will have a node and this will be the direct exchange route to EPA Exchange Network? Need further clarification here. Other?