GROUP # __ PRESENTATION Simulated Brucejack Public Meeting
Our group Please list the members of your working group
Stakeholder Group: insert name of simulated stakeholder group Our position on the Brucejack Project’s permit application: (Please check the option that applies) [ ] Supportive [ ] Opposed [ ] Neither supportive nor opposed [ ] Undecided
Our key issues and/or concerns Please summarize the groups’ key issues and concerns – the reasons to explain the choice selected in the previous slide - in three to five bullets
Presentation to the BCEAO Please insert your three minute presentation to the simulated BCEAO public meeting. You may use a video presentation, voice recording, Facebook post, slide share, or other method. NB If you exceed the allotted time, your presentation will be cut off at the three minute mark.
Conclusions Use this one slide to highlight you key points, conclusions or arguments. This is your opportunity to convince the BCEAO of your position.