AN OBJECT LESSON IN CLASSES “or how OO ABL solves everything.”
BRIEF INTRODUCTION Julian Lyndon-Smith, IT Director dot.r limited Progress developer since v3, 1987 Living proof of “old dog, new tricks” Often hanging around on PEG and PSDN Always up for a good argument ;)
AGENDA Who’s afraid of the big bad wOOlf ? Basics Getting rid of the garbage Inheritance, interfaces and all that Advanced OO Gotchas Real world code... Warts and all …
WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD W OO LF ? Survey : Progress version <10.2B 10.2B
WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD W OO LF ? Survey : Who’s using OO Not yet Dabbling Sometimes Mostly Wizard
BASICS : OO ADVANTAGES Type-safe Cannot tipe a bad metgod name Encapsulation Group together methods and data Code reuse
BASICS : OO ADVANTAGES Code completion Makes you really cool Talking about the fancy OO terms like “injection”, “factory”, “instantiation”, “inheritance” allows you to hang out with the cool kids
BASICS A class is an 4gl file with a.cls extension Compiles to.r Two parts: package and class name Package is the directory where source lives is foo/bar/MyClass.cls Using statement
BASICS An instance is a running class Similar to persistent procedures Run foo.p persistent set x x = new foo().
BASICS : CREATE AN INSTANCE /** foo/bar/MyClass.cls */ class end class. def var oFoo as no-undo. oFoo = new
BASICS: PROPERTIES A property can be described as a procedure-wide “variable” Extra toys to play with : get / set etc Public and private
BASICS : PROPERTIES /** foo/bar/MyClass.cls */ class def public property guid as char no-undo get. set. end class. def var oFoo as no-undo. oFoo = new Message oFoo:guid view-as alert-box.
BASICS: PROPERTIES Def [public | protected | private] [public | protected | private] get. [public | protected | private] set.
BASICS: METHODS A method can be described as a function Without having to forward declare it Returns a value or void Can optionally have parameters
BASICS : METHODS /** foo/bar/MyClass.cls */ class method public void DoStuff(): /** do some stuff */ end method. end class. def var oFoo as no-undo. oFoo = new oFoo:DoStuff().
BASICS : METHODS /** foo/bar/MyClass.cls */ class method public void DoStuff(p_name as char): /** do some stuff */ Message p_name view-as alert-box. end method. end class. def var oFoo as no-undo. oFoo = new oFoo:DoStuff(“my_little_pony”).
BASICS: METHODS Method [public | protected | private]
GETTING RID OF THE GARBAGE Persistent procedures can create memory leaks Run foo.p persistent set x. Must remember to delete x or memory leaks Classes have an automatic Garbage collector Automatically deletes unreferenced class instances You have no control over this
GETTING RID OF THE GARBAGE run DoMyStuff in this-procedure. /** do some more things like UI */ procedure DoMyStuyff: def var oFoo as no-undo. oFoo = new oFoo:DoStuff(). end procedure.
NOT GETTING RID OF THE GARBAGE def var oFoo as no-undo. run DoMyStuff in this-procedure. /** do some more things like UI */ procedure DoMyStuyff: oFoo = new oFoo:DoStuff(). end procedure.
INHERITANCE, INTERFACES AND ALL THAT Inheritance Interfaces Polymorphism Abstracts
INHERITANCE Abstract out common functionality (and data) from similar classes A sub-class inherits from a super-class A sub-class can extend or change behavior of super-class Overriding methods Adding new methods / properties
INTERFACES Specifies a set of method prototypes and properties Similar to inheritance No default implementation methods or properties Allows you to build different classes that conform to an API Each class that uses an Interface must implement all methods and properties defined in the interface Convention is that interface files start with an I
POLYMORPHISM As shown previously, multiple classes can inherit from same super-class Sub-classes can override methods or behavior in the super-class Multiple implementations (different parameters) Different behavior : Same method, multiple signatures Super:Method()
ABSTRACTS Abstracts are classes than cannot be instantiated by themselves Need to inherit an abstract class All appropriate properties and methods are available to sub-class
ADVANCED OO Events Chaining Parameter passing Statics
ADVANCED OO : EVENTS Classes can raise “named” events Define Listen Raise
ADVANCED OO : EVENTS def public event StateChanged signature void (p_msg as char). StateChanged:publish(“foo”).
ADVANCED OO : EVENTS Def var oMessage as foo.Message no-undo. oMessage = new foo.Message(). oMessage:StateChanged:Subscribe(this-object:StateChanged). /** do stuff */ Method public void StateChanged(p_state as char): message p_state view-as alert-box info. End method.
ADVANCED OO : CHAINING Also called Fluent-style coding Fluent-coding style Methods return an instance of a class which is then used to call another method Confused ?
ADVANCED OO : CHAINING Association(BelongsTo("State"):Keys("StateID","State"):CascadeNullify()). Assocation(p_prop as – method BelongsTo [] (p_name) – method Keys [] (p_key1,p_key2) – method CascadeNullify() Association( BelongsTo("State") :Keys("StateID","State") :CascadeNullify() ).
ADVANCED OO : CHAINING (new ** No need for variable Does stuff Gets GC’d automatically ** new Hopefully in 11.3
ADVANCED OO : PARAMETER PASSING Parameters : pita Change over time Need to write new ip’s to handle new parameters May need to revisit old code and change
ADVANCED OO : PARAMETER PASSING Use an instance of a class as a Parameters Change properties of class All inputs now have additional properties without changing a line of code Input == input-output
ADVANCED OO : STATICS A static method is loaded into memory. Once. Can then use that method without having to define a variable Foo is the class, bar is a static method
ADVANCED OO : STATICS Tempting to use Cannot be unloaded at all from session Do not use record buffers in any method of a class that has a static member Buffers are then “locked” into memory Impossible to update db whilst app is running
GOTCHAS Event Subscription Potentially no garbage collection Sockets AppServer boundaries No serialization
GOTCHAS Statics OO-guys can sound more intelligent than you Doing stuff in the constructor
SHOW ME THE CODE Demos and walkthroughs of the various technqiues perhaps even “on demand coding”