STILL LIFE Objective: You will learn arrangement techniques in order to make an effective still life composition. DRILL: 1.WHAT IS A STILL LIFE? 2.Where did it originate? 3.What is ‘nature morte’? 4.What are some general common sense still life rules for the classroom?
What is a still life? A still life (plural still lifes [1])[1] –is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural (food, flowers, plants, rocks, or shells) or man- made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, and so on) in an artificial setting.artinanimate still life or still- life – – A picture of inanimate objects.pictureobjects Common still life subjectssubjects –include vessels, food, flowers, books, clothing.vesselsbooksclothing Animate means –that which lives or moves, as opposed to inanimate, that which doesn't live or move.livesmoves
Still Life Origin Nature morte- Dead nature (French) ‘Stilleven’- Dutch. What is a still life? The name still life comes from the Dutch stilleven - meaning inanimate objects - the more morbid French name is nature morte.
Common Sense Rules for the classroom when doing still life: (Probably cover boxes of objects so that other classes aren’t tempted to touch them.) Store your objects in a bag that is labeled with your name on it. Remember which box or exact location that you got your objects. PUT THEM BACK IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT – PEOPLE ARE SHARING Be respectful of the objects. Don’t dent the cans or pull of the flowers. Carry them carefully so you don’t drop them.
Bring in your own objects for your still life painting. 1 point extra credit per object up to 7 points (no more) But bring in as many objects as you want.
Bad vs. Good Bad- evenly spaced, symmetrical, not touching, plain, boring, same size. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights.
Think about having a theme.
Objects from home!!!!
From home- Accessories, food, candy, shells, statues, etc…
Watch image slide show of previous years’ still life pics.
Today: 1.Finish Ellipses- before, demo, after- 30 pts 2.Finish Angles- before, demo, after- 30 pts 3.Finish shading all 6 forms- 60 points 4.Finish good vs bad still life- 25 points 5.SET UP FINAL STILL LIFE!
STILL LIFE 1.MAKE A GOOD STILL LIFE. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights. 2. Set up your own 7 objects. You can use more than 7. 3.Set them up on a white piece of paper or fabric. 4.ONE OBJECT MUST BE A SHOE. 5.Objects can be should be simple forms. 6.Sketch it out quickly in your sketchbook and/ or take a photo.
What makes a bad still life? What makes a good still life?
STARTING YOUR STILL LIFE! Objective: You will use observation skills in order to draw a still life. Drill: 1. What are the first 2 things you should draw on your still life? 2.IF you didn’t list at least 2 traits for good and bad still life, list them now: Bad- evenly spaced, symmetrical, not touching, plain, boring, same size. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights.
Bad- evenly spaced, symmetrical, not touching, plain, boring, same size. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights.
STILL LIFE 1.MAKE A GOOD STILL LIFE. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights. 2. Set up your own 7 objects. You can use more than 7. 3.Set them up on a white piece of paper or fabric. 4.3 of the objects should be simple forms. 5.Sketch it out quickly in your sketchbook and/ or take a photo.
What makes a good composition? HOW TO AVOID BORING COMPOSITIONS: Large size of objects Change the view so it is not just from the side… change the angle… Change the placement so that it is not in the middle.- to the side… Line the objects up so they overlap or are stacked… make sure they are not evenly spread and boring.
TIPS FOR DRAWING A STILL LIFE Objective: You will use observation skills in order to draw a still life. DRILL: 1.You may set up your still life before the bell and in the 2 minutes while Miss Gauger takes attendance. 2.(Be ready to listen and/or) LIST the TIPS FOR DRAWING A STILL LIFE.
1. Draw Contour lines first
2. Use ellipses for cylindrical forms
2. Make sure standing objects have parallel vertical lines:
3. Use your pencil to get the angles.
4. Remember to actually LOOK at your objects!
Putting it together:
Homework over break: Practice drawing obJects in front of you. 3 objects= 30 pts DUE APRIL 9TH
Homework over break: Practice drawing obJects in front of you. 3 objects= 30 pts DUE APRIL 9TH
STILL LIFE 1.MAKE A GOOD STILL LIFE. Good- Overlapping, in groups, touching, asymmetrical, off the paper, different heights. 2. Set up your own 7 objects. You can use more than 7. 3.Set them up on a white piece of paper or fabric. 4.3 of the objects should be simple forms. 5.Sketch it out quickly in your sketchbook and/ or take a photo.