Data Centre Activities at Leicester LEDAS and Swift UKDC AstroGrid Consortium Meeting: 11 July 2005
LEDAS homepage What is LEDAS? UK’s high-energy astrophysics data centre, located at Leicester In continuous operation since Current data holdings >1.6TB processed and calibrated bulk data from several major X-ray astronomy satellites (Einstein, EXOSAT, ROSAT, Ginga, ASCA, XMM-Newton, Chandra). Access to >400 astronomical catalogues and reference data (spectral line lists) Database search and display facilities developed in- house (ARNIE5) DBMS: HEASARC Browse (legacy), TDB binary, Sybase (Chandra mirror), MySQL. Successful, attracting >250,000 hits/month in Q1 2005, c.f. 2 million hits/month for SDSS SkyServer.
AstroGrid Deployment at LEDAS Feb 04:Itn05 PAL test implementation, legacy hardware, work incomplete Mar 04: Purchase of new server “Galahad” (Dual Xeon 2.6, 2GB RAM, 1TB RAID) Jul 04:Further work with Itn05. Some LEDAS MySQL tables copied to Galahad. PAL installed. Successful test deployment of one catalogue table (HEASARC Master Optical, ~4 million rows) Feb 05: Leicester AG staff begin using Galahad for v1.0 release work. v1.0 components installed on Galahad: Registry, XrayDSA, FileStore, JES. Registry: operational XrayDSA: work in progress (building metadata) Future: SIA/SSA for bulk data Support for Swift UKDC (Cat’s already in ARNIE5) LEDAS-branded portal for high-energy data Community for high-energy researchers High-energy science workflows application server xraydsa (middleware) MySQL (~400 ARNIE5 tables) webserver + PHP MySQL (~400 ARNIE5 tables) webserver + PHP MySQL Swift Archive tables galahad lyonesse avalon Astrogrid WWW HEASARC Penn State catalogue updates (‘TDATs’) via FTP pull archive updates via DTS Dataflows in LEDAS and Swift Data Centre burst coords
LEDAS & Swift UKDC: A Common Infrastructure LEDAS and Swift UKDC use common software infrastructure Separate hardware, but same DBMS (MySQL) and catalogue table/metadata structures Swift UKDC middleware code for search and display of archive data is fork of LEDAS code LEDAS staff experienced with VO deployment, AG and VOTECH staff onsite to assist. DSA already proven working with LEDAS. Implementation on Swift UKDC should be straightforward. …watch this space!