Indian Life Photo Analysis
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Indian Culture Indians were very spiritual people. They participated in dances and other rituals Some groups of Indians were nomads (they moved around and lived in many different places). They also shared property as a community Indians lived off the land. Their main food source was the buffalo Indians were very spiritual people. They participated in dances and other rituals Some groups of Indians were nomads (they moved around and lived in many different places). They also shared property as a community Indians lived off the land. Their main food source was the buffalo
Changes to Indian Culture Westward Expansion changed Indian’s lives Indians were forced onto reservations (areas of land set aside for only Indians Oftentimes, the government broke treaties and forced Indians onto even smaller portions of land The Indian population was reduced due to warfare, disease, and mistreatment by Americans (example – the battle of wounded knee ) Westward Expansion changed Indian’s lives Indians were forced onto reservations (areas of land set aside for only Indians Oftentimes, the government broke treaties and forced Indians onto even smaller portions of land The Indian population was reduced due to warfare, disease, and mistreatment by Americans (example – the battle of wounded knee )
Massacre at Wounded Knee
Changes to Indian Culture cont. The buffalo were wiped out by settlers Many Indians were put into schools in order to become “more American” The buffalo were wiped out by settlers Many Indians were put into schools in order to become “more American”
Indian “Assimilation”
Famous Events involving Indians Indians reacted in different ways to the problems that faced their people Chief Joseph attempted to lead his tribe, the Nez Perce, to Canada, but was caught and put on a reservation Other Indians, such as Sitting Bull, fought back. Sitting Bull killed George Custer and his men at the Battle of Little Big Horn, but was later killed by the US army Indians reacted in different ways to the problems that faced their people Chief Joseph attempted to lead his tribe, the Nez Perce, to Canada, but was caught and put on a reservation Other Indians, such as Sitting Bull, fought back. Sitting Bull killed George Custer and his men at the Battle of Little Big Horn, but was later killed by the US army
The Battle of Little Bighorn
Geronimo Led raids against the US army Was put into a reservation Converted to Christianity - Assimilated Led raids against the US army Was put into a reservation Converted to Christianity - Assimilated