French & Indian War (1754-1763): War between the colonies of New France and British America, fought in North America. Great Britain & France would officially declare war in 1756 making it a world- wide conflict. French & Indian War = The American title of the war. Britain & 13 Colonies vs. France & their Indian allies. Seven Years War = The European title of the war. 1756-1763 = 7 Years.
Differences Between New France & British Colonies: Population: 75,000 Mostly fur trappers Results: Many French fur trappers married Indian wives & adopted Indian culture. Most Indians joined the French. BRITISH COLONIES Population: 1.5 million Mostly farmers Results: Many farmers ignored Indian land rights. With such a large population, British colonists began to move west (New France). Iroquois joined the British colonies.
French & Indian War = Only North America Causes of the French & Indian War: Both France & Britain claimed the Ohio River Valley (Western Pennsylvania). Britain issued a land grant to the Ohio Company. France built a line of forts along the Appalachian Mountains to prevent British colonists from moving west. = Great Britain, Colonial Militia, & Iroquois = France & Algonquin Allies
Results: Albany Plan was the first time the colonies united. The Virginia militia (led by George Washington) was sent to attack Fort Duquesne. The Virginia militia was defeated.
War Begins Virginia governor, Robert Dinwiddie (an investor in the Ohio Company) sent a 21-year-old George Washington (whose older brother was an investor in the Ohio Company) to ask the French to leave the Ohio River Valley. A young George Washington (Colonel in British Army) leads 150 men to capture Fort Duquesne. Outnumbered the French send Washington back with message that Ohio Valley belongs to the French. The French refused to leave. War was inevitable (unavoidable).
British Colonies Preparation for War: Albany Plan (1754): Ben Franklin’s plan to unite the colonial militias & governments (join or die). Wanted to form a colonial army to defend against the French. Militia = common men who train to fight as soldiers during an emergency. British return for round two with more troops marching in straight line formation with British fanfare, while the French and Indian allies hide behind rocks and trees (invention of Gorilla Warfare)
British Strategy: British soldiers & veteran military leaders to lead soldiers & militia were sent to North America. British Navy blockaded French ports. Britain formed an alliance with Prussia (present-day Germany).
British Strategy on water Results: At the start of the war, British military leaders fight like Europeans (line- up) and are unsuccessful fighting in the wilderness of N. America. The blockade worked; France was unable to get supplies to N. America. France was more concerned with defending her homeland than her colonies. Britain won the French & Indian War.
Treaty of Paris (1763): Ended the French and Indian War. Results: Britain won Canada & Louisiana. France lost their North American empire. Britain became the most powerful country in the world.
Proclamation of 1763: Orders given by King George III which forbade colonists from settling west of the Proclamation Line (Appalachian Mountains). England wanted to avoid conflicts between colonists & Indians. Results: Many colonists viewed the Proclamation as restricting their right to move west. England left 10,000 soldiers in the colonies to enforce the Proclamation line. *George Washington owned 20,000 acres west of the Proclamation line.
British Debt: The French & Indian War doubled the British national debt. Results: Britain decided to tax the American colonies to help reduce the debt. British Parliament passed a series of taxes on products sold in the colonies. *Will be one of the main causes to the American Revolution. *British citizens paid 25 times more in taxes than American colonists.