12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Briefing on EEA and EIONET recent activities Eva Goossens, Air and Climate Change Programme,


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Presentation transcript:

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Briefing on EEA and EIONET recent activities Eva Goossens, Air and Climate Change Programme, EEA.

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Content Recent EEA publications Workshops in 2011 EU Effort Sharing Decision – 2012 GHG inventory review: update Questionnaire for EIONET participants EEA European Environmen t Agency NFP Eionet National Focal Points ETC NRCETC NRC

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 European Environment State and Outlook Report 2010 (SOER 2010) EEA’s Regulation requires EEA to "publish a report on the state of, trends in and prospects for the environment every five years, supplemented by indicator reports focusing upon specific issues (Art2, vi) 2010 SOER report was published in November

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 European Environment State and Outlook Report 2010 (SOER 2010) Part A – a cross-cutting assessment of global mega-trends with implications for European policy & managing resources sustainably Part B – Europe-wide thematic assessments incl. air pollution and climate change mitigation, integrating economic and social driving forces, scanning global impacts of European trends and a [limited] evaluation of policy objectives. Part C – produced by EIONET partners - country-level assessments of the environmental situation in individual countries, analysing six common issues incl. air pollution and describing each country’s unique situation. SOER 2010 Synthesis provides a short assessment primarily based on issues raised in Parts A, B and C (translated into 20+ languages) Hard copies of Part B air pollution and Synthesis available (all parts online, including the Part C country sections)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 European Environment State and Outlook Report 2010 (SOER 2010) Part B Part A Part C

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Recent EEA reports – Policy impact on AQ Impact of selected policy measures on Europe's air quality – analysis of past policy measures (EURO standards, LCP/IPPC on the magnitude of air pollutant emissions and subsequent air quality in Europe (Jan 2011)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Recent EEA report – NECD status report NEC Directive status report 2010 Documents submissions received at end of Draft report circulated to EIONET NRCs for review – publishing June 2011 NO x NMVOCSO 2 NH 3 √ x11413 Overview of ‘With Measures’ MS projections compared to 2010 NECD ceilings

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Recent EEA reports – NECD - completeness NEC Directive status report 2010 Completeness of NEC inventories requirement - Annex III of the NECD requires use by MS of the UNECE methodologies, which include the requirement that inventories are ‘complete’ - TCCCA Issue of inventory completeness, especially relevant over next 2 years as reported NECD inventories will be used to assess compliance with 2010 ceilings. Sector/pollutant combinations not included in original modelling to set the 2010 ceilings – but which represent high % compared to national total Sector 4 ‘Agriculture’ (NO x and NMVOC) and 2D2 ‘Food and Drink’ (for NMVOC) - sectors not included in original modelling for 2010 ceilings. Some MS report emissions from these sources, others do not: –16 Member States reported at least some 2009 emissions for NMVOC in sector Agriculture, but 8 report only one sub-category. Emissions as % of national total are significant in some: (Cyprus (22 %), Germany (19.9 %), Bulgaria (19.7 %), Romania (16.6 %) etc –13 Member States reported emissions for NOx in sector Agriculture. The share of national total NOx emissions - Germany (10.5 %), Austria (4 %) etc. –23 Member States reported data for NMVOC in the ‘2 D 2 – Food and Drinks’ ranging up to 12.9 % of the reported national total

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Recent EEA reports – CLRTAP inventory European Union emission inventory report under the UNECE LRTAP Convention – presently with EIONET NRCs for review – deadline for comments 12 th May 2011 – submission to UNECE late May with publishing June/July 2011

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Selected forthcoming EEA reports in remainder of 2011 Overview of Europe’s air quality (autumn 2011) Air pollution impacts in 2050 arising from Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) implementation in Europe (July/Aug 2011) Environmental externalities arising from release of air and GHG pollutants from industrial point source facilities in Europe (Jul/Aug 2011) EU Greenhouse Gas Inventory to UNFCCC (June 2011) EU Proxy Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2010: describes an EU year X-1 inventory methodology (Oct) Drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe since 1990 (June/July) End-use greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion in 2009 (Dec) Tracking progress towards Kyoto protocol and 2020 targets in Europe (Oct)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 EMEP EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook Continued publishing of the Guidebook ‘Update log’ available online – documents the corrections & minor revisions made to chapters throughout the year Guidebook emission factors online (planned summer 2011) – a web portal giving access & download for the official EFs in the Guidebook chapters. Will provide an alternative to searching for EFs in the individual pdf files.

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Recent EEA indicators Updated indicators presenting summaries of European emission trends, distance to target analysis, effect of policies etc (update Oct 2010) –3 indicators from EEA’s Core Set of Indicators (emissions of acidifying pollutants, ozone precursors and particulate matter) –specific factsheets with more detailed analysis of trends (NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, NH 3, POPs, HMs) & energy and transport emissions

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 E-PRTR developments – review Annual informal data review (EEA and ETCs) Highlight potential inconsistencies and anomalies and provide detailed feedback to MS ▫ Stage 1 – Semi-automated checks (e.g. outliers, substantial changes with former year) ▫ Stage 2 Air – Comparison with other data reported by MS (CLRTAP, UNFCCC, EU ETS,…) Formal article 17 review of E-PRTR Regulation (DG ENV) Review implementation in MS and EU, completeness of reporting, scope (pollutant thresholds, activities, pollutants, etc)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 E-PRTR developments – diffuse sources Context – ‘Activities not covered by Annex I’ – Requirement for Commission to compile releases from diffuse sources based on already reported information – Air: DG ENV project (Stuttgart University) Publication of maps (end of May) – E-PRTR website – EEA data service (data download files) – Combustion from households – CO2

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 E-PRTR developments – LPS reporting CLRTAP LPS reporting – Every 5 years – Next reporting: March 2012 (2010 data) Data from E-PRTR reporting – Annual reporting (from 2007 onwards) – Reporting deadline 31 March X+2 (2010 data available by 31/03/2012)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 EU GHG emission inventory review under ESD ESD - context The EU Effort Sharing Decision 406/2008/EC) will deliver a 10% GHG reduction for non-ETS sectors by 2020 (cf -21% for ETS sectors) to help reach the EU reach its overall 20% reduction commitment by 2020 Annex II ESD limits for each MS are expressed in % terms for 2020; a Commission decision at end of 2012 will set (absolute) Annual Emission Allocations (AEAs) in tonnes CO 2 eq. for using ‘reviewed & verified emissions data’ i.e. will establish the base-year emissions DG CLIMA plans to have the AEAs in place before the beginning of 2013 i.e. before the first year of the ESD commitment period

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 EU GHG emission inventory review under ESD ESD focused GHG inventory review in 2012 The usual UNFCCC inventory review process will still occur in 2012, but reports too late for CLIMA’s timescales (i.e. before end 2012), hence in addition an internal EU review will occur. Issues discussed with MS include: –Ensure consistency of review findings and equal treatment across MS –A review of data for EU policy purposes is a matter of internal EU competence –Will provide useful experience for MS and Commission re. future annual ESD reporting and compliance cycle in (via the amended MMD) –Will contribute to quality improvements of the EU and MS GHG inventories

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 EU GHG emission inventory review under ESD Review should not duplicate existing GHG review processes but build upon them (i.e. the initial checks performed under the MMD and past UNFCCC review reports) Focus on years 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and the specific and different requirements of the ESD. No review of LULUCF. A clear focus on ensuring consistency of the review process/findings across different MS ‘Review Guidelines’ being developed by EEA/DG CLIMA with support of ETC/ACM. Detailed consultations over the past months with MS experts in Working Groups 1 and 2 of the EU Climate Change Committee EEA will act as the secretariat body for the review, coordinating input of DG CLIMA consultants to the process and responsible for quality assuring the process DG CLIMA service contract call ~€1.2 million for review experts will be published in coming days

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Eionet and other EEA workshops th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting (2-3 May) Emissions gridding and mapping workshop support (4 May) COPERT model workshop and training (Copenhagen, June) – fully subscribed GMES services and emission inventories workshop (Copenhagen, Oct 2011) FAIRMODE, the Forum for AIR quality MODelling in Europe (Norrköping (Sweden), June) EIONET Air Quality meeting (France, October)

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May, 2011 Questionnaire for EIONET participants EEA is undertaking an evaluation of EIONET-related workshops as part of the Eionet review process. The main objective is to receive feedback to help strengthen the EEA – Eionet cooperation and improve the effectiveness of the network Please return forms to Catherine Brytygier

12th Joint EIONET and TFEIP meeting, Stockholm, 2-3 May,