Red Blood Cell Administration Facilitator: Barbara Bischoff
Policy Physicians: Administer and discontinue blood products by order RN’s and LPN’s: Administer and discontinue blood products by physician’s order LPN’s: Second witness must be an RN or physician
Purpose RBCs contain hemoglobin RBCs serve as primary agent for oxygen transport to cells RBC components increase : Mass of circulating red cells Oxygen carrying capacity
Contraindications RBC containing components should not be used: Solely for volume expansion To increase oncotic pressure of circulating blood To treat anemias treatable with hematinic medications such as: Iron Vitamin B12 Folic acid Erythropoietin
Ordering Written consent must be obtained prior to ordering Nurses use order entry for request Complete: Consent for Infusion of Blood, Blood Product(s), Derivatives and/or Tissue Computer downtime use: Instructions for Completing Blood/Blood Product Orders
Transfusion Checklist
Consent Form
Equipment Unit Issue and Transfusion Record form IV Tray (#18 Cathlon preferred) Blood Secondary set with 170 micron filter IV Pole Infusion Pump Extension Set Vital Sign Machine Normal Saline Transfusion Checklist Unit of packed cells
Requisition for Pick Up LPN or RN may pick up blood from Blood Bank Blood Product Pickup slip: Contains patient information Indicates red blood cells are ready
Issuing of Red Blood Cell Product “Issue Unit” in Meditech Generates Transfusion Record form Preprinted: Issue time Date Messenger’s initials Blood Bank technologist’s initials Signatures Signature Fill out completely
Lab Check Completed by both Blood Bank technologist and LPN/RN. Preprinted: Issue time Date Messenger’s initials Technologist's initials Both persons sign on the appropriate signature line Secure form to unit bag Place both in a sealed biohazard Zip-lock bag for transport
Lab Check (Cont) Check: Patient’s ID number Red blood cell unit ID number ABO compatibility Documents to be checked: Written request for pick-up Unit Issue and Transfusion Record Form Label on packed red blood cell bag
Warning All comparisons must match exactly Do not initiate transfusions with discrepancy Contact Blood Band immediately
Packed Red Blood Cell Unit Verification At bedside: Compare patient armband Form attached to unit of cells. Verify: Patient: Name, ID number, Blood type Donor Unit: Number, Blood Type, Expiration Date Patient must state their name Both identifiers sign the Unit Issue and Transfusion Record Form Most transfusion reactions result from identification error.
Precautions Verify with the attending physician: Interruption of existing IV solution Starting a new line Consider total fluid volume Never add medication to unit of blood Use new Blood Secondary Set with every unit Patient must always receive ABO compatible blood.
Storage and Handling Maximum room temperature time prior to infusing: 30 minutes Blood Bank will dispose as Regulated Medical Waste May be returned to Blood Bank Refrigerator for: Delay before use Temporary discontinue Never place in Nursing Unit refrigerator Not adequate for safe storage
Procedure Prior to obtaining blood product Administer pre-medications Check order verification Obtain baseline vital signs: Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood Pressure Chart vital signs
Procedure (Cont) Set up blood secondary set following instructions Don gloves and personal protective equipment. Connect blood Secondary set with a 170 micron filter to red blood cell blood unit Rotate pack gently to mix cells and small amount of plasma. Close clamp and suspend red blood cell unit from IV pole.
Procedure (Cont) Compress plastic chamber filling filter and drip chambers Make sure filter is submerged with blood Blood dripping on filter can damage RBC’s Open clamp to expel all air from tubing
Transfusion Time Recommendation: < 2 hours Never > 4 hours Delay of completion increases: Deterioration of labile components Possibility of inadvertent bacterial contamination Transfusion time dependent on size of IV cathlon Infusion time increased with smaller cathlon
Flow Rate Adjust flow to drops per minute for first minutes If no immediate adverse symptoms occur: Flow rate may be adjusted to drops per minute Closely follow transfusion to verify the desired rate continues Adjust as necessary GravityPump 4 hours=20 drops/min=90 ml/hr 3 hours=40 drops/min=120 ml/hr 2 hours=60 drops/min=175 ml/hr 35 minutes=200 drops/min=700 ml/hr
Management of Flow Causes of slow flow: Obstruction of the filter or needle Excessive viscosity of the component Steps to investigate and correct the problem include: Elevating the blood container to increase hydrostatic pressure. Checking the patency of the needle. Examining the filter for excessive debris. Consult with an attending physician
Observation Observe patient closely during the transfusion: Continuously for the first 15 minutes Recheck after second 15 minutes Continue to assess patient every half hour Monitor and document vital signs. Observe for signs and symptoms of a transfusion reaction.
Monitor Monitor the patient for signs of possible transfusion reaction: Flushing of face Tachypnea Wheezing Tachycardia Sudden chills and fever Distended neck veins Oppressive feeling in chest Sharp pain in lumbar area Decrease in blood pressure
Flushing Flush only with Normal Saline Dextrose and calcium ions (L R) can hemolyze, clot Do not interrupt Blood Transfusion for any medication
Action for Reaction If any signs of reaction occur Stop the Transfusion Add 50 ml normal saline piggyback to keep vein open Notify: Attending physician Nursing supervisor Blood Bank. Follow instructions: “Suspected Transfusion Reaction Form”
Suspected Transfusion Reaction
Documentation Record: Date and start time Vital signs throughout transfusion Date and time discontinued Amount given and any reaction Signature Use Unit Issue and Transfusion Record form Second nurse verifies no omissions on the form
Completion Place white copy of Unit Issue and Transfusion Record on the patient’s chart Return to the Lab: Yellow copy Empty blood container Tubing in a clear plastic biohazard bag. Never place sharps in bag. Separate yellow copy from empty unit using the outside pocket.
Delayed Reactions Ambulatory Care Patients Discharged patient’s who received blood/blood products Notify doctor of: Rash Fever Chills Difficulty Breathing Leg or Chest pain
Thank you for your attention ! Any questions or comments?
References Swartz, C.F. (2012). Red blood cell administration. Amsterdam, NY. St Mary’s Hospital.