Band Members Current Jeremy McKinnon-Lead Vocals Neil Westfall-Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals Josh Woodard-Bass Guitar Alex Shelnutt-Drums Kevin Skaff-Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals Former Tom Denney-Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals Brandon Roberts-Drums Bobby Scruggs-Drums
Musical Style ADTR has been described as metal-core, pop punk, post-hardcore, and metal. ADTR’s song structure typically follow a metal-core verse and blends into a pop punk chorus.
Musical Style Metal core is extreme metal and hardcore punk mixed together. It’s distinguished by it’s emphasis on breakdowns which are slow intense passages fun to “mosh” to. Vocals are generally screamed/growled with a combination of clean vocals on the bridge or chorus of the song.
Musical Style Pop punk combines elements of punk rock and pop music. It merges pop melodies with speedy punk tempos, chord changes, and loud guitars.
Music Style “We are trying to be your favorite band. Period. We’re trying to play all of your favorite styles of music and not have to switch CDs because I want to hear a pop-punk song or a hardcore song or an acoustic rock ballad. I think us doing all these different genres and doing them better makes us stand out. You can see that with us going on tour. We go on tour with straight-up metal acts, straight-up hardcore acts, then we’ll come home and go on a straight pop tour. Show me another band that can do that.”-Jeremy McKinnon
Brief History ADTR started in 2003 by original band members Tom Denney and Bobby Scruggs. Scruggs financed their first EP, and the band later signed with Indianola Records for their first released album. A year later ADTR signed with Victory Records (whom they are currently in a law suit with, for breaching of contract.) Their most recent album has not yet been released due to this conflict.
Discography Studio Albums And Their Name Was Treason (2005) For Those Who Have Heart (2007) Homesick (2009) What Separates Me from You (2010) Common Courtesy (Set to be released in 2013)
The Downfall of Us All **Listen for Breakdowns Loud Guitars Screaming and Singing mixed together Vocables- “duh, duh, duh” at the beginning of song. Backbeats This music video also has an example of moshing (a type of dance who’s participates slam or push into each other) and crowd surfing. Something that happens at every ADTR concert. (I’ve attended at least 10 of their live concerts.)
Have Faith In Me **Listen For Background vocals are screamed Clear message of Love Repeated lyrics to get point across Punk Rock “back to the basics feel” Ballad (Repeated Chorus)
References Frazier, Walter “A Day To Remember Scores Memorable Debut on Billboard 200” December 06, 2010 Chichester, Sammi “A Day To Remember Frontman Jeremy McKinnon on New Song and Their Next Album” Revolver December 20, 2012 ALL IMAGES UNDER THE COPYRIGHT OF ADAM ELMAKIAS