AP Biology Semester 1 Jeopardy A: Biochem & Cells B: Cell Structure C: Cell Membrane D:Commu nication & Enzymes E: Energetics Final Jeopardy F: Grab Bag
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Question Answer A-100 ANSWER: They are insoluble in water, contain twice as much energy as other energy-yielding molecules, and they are a major component of cell membranes. QUESTION: What are lipids?
Question Answer A-200 ANSWER: Also known as prokaryotes QUESTION: What are bacteria?
Question Answer A-300 ANSWER: The first reaction builds molecules while removing a water molecule, the second reaction adds a water molecule while breaking down molecules. QUESTION: What are dehydration and hydrolysis reactions?
Question Answer A-400 ANSWER: They distinguish one amino acid from another QUESTION: What are side chains (or R groups)?
Question Answer A-500 ANSWER: 3 characteristics that distinguish prokaryotes from eukaryotes QUESTION: What are 3 of: –Prokaryotes are structurally less complex than eukaryotes, prokaryotes do not have chromosomes enclosed in a nucleus, they are unicellular, they do not have membrane- bound organelles, they do not process RNA after transcription
Question Answer ANSWER: Contain grana, thylakoids and stroma QUESTION: What are chloroplasts? B-100
Question Answer B-200 ANSWER: Functions of the lysosome and Golgi apparatus QUESTION: What are waste destruction, and processing & packaging of proteins?
Question Answer B-300 ANSWER: A cell type with a nucleus, ribosomes, enzymes and cell wall QUESTION: What is a plant cell?
Question Answer B-400 ANSWER: The organelle involved with the synthesis of oils, phospholipids and steroids QUESTION: What is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
Question Answer B-500 ANSWER: Cell type with DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, mitochondria QUESTIOCN: What is a eukaryote (or a plant or animal cell)?
Question Answer C-100 ANSWER: Common to both simple and facilitated diffusion. QUESTION: What is a concentration gradient (or movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low, or requires no energy)?
Question Answer C-200 ANSWER: osmosis QUESTION: What is diffusion of water?
Question Answer C-300 ANSWER: They can increase plasma membrane fluidity QUESTION: What are unsaturated phospholipids or cholesterol (when they are embedded in the plasma membrane)?
Question Answer C-400 ANSWER: The 4-step pathway of newly- made proteins as they are synthesized and packaged for use? QUESTION: What is: Rough ER Golgi apparatus vesicle membrane (or somewhere in the cell)
Question Answer C-500 ANSWER: Hypotonic and hypertonic (in order) QUESTION: What conditions exist when the environment outside a cell has a: –lower concentration of solutes than the cell; and –higher concentration of solutes than the c ell?
Question Answer D-100 ANSWER: Type of signaling in which molecules are passed between nearby cell s QUESTION: What is cell-to-cell (or paracrine) signaling?
Question Answer D-200 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: Cell signaling used in each of the following situations: Distant cells Signals from neuron (nervous tissue) cells QUESTION: What type of cell-to cell signaling results in hormonal and synaptic communication?
Question Answer D-300 ANSWER: The 3 stages of cell signaling (in order) QUESTION: What are cell reception, signal transduction and cellular response
Question Answer D-400 ANSWER: How enzymes work in general QUESTION: What is lower activation energy (by increasing molecular collisions at the active site)?
Question Answer D-500 ANSWER: The amount of free energy that is changed by an enzyme in a reaction QUESTION: none
Question Answer E-100 ANSWER: G in a system at equilibrium QUESTION: What is zero?
Question Answer E-200 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: exergonic reactions (3 things) QUESTION: In what type of reaction is 3 of: – G negative –Energy released –Work is done –Entropy increased –The reaction spontaneous
Question Answer E-300 ANSWER: The molecule receiving a phosphate group in a chemical reaction QUESTION: What is a phosphorylated molecule?
Question Answer E-400 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: The mechanism by which ATP energizes cellular processes QUESTION: What is energy coupling? (or the coupling of free energy released by ATP hydrolysis to the free energy needed by other reactions)
Question Answer E-500 ANSWER: What the sum of the G in a coupled reaction must be QUESTION: What is zero or negative ?
Question Answer F-100 ANSWER: The nature of the interior of a phospholipid bilayer QUESTION: What is hydrophobic?
Question Answer F-200 ANSWER: Water potential of an open container with a solute potential of mv? QUESTION: mv
Question Answer F-300 ANSWER: The minimum ΔG in the reaction coupled to the endergonic reaction in which A + B → C (ΔG = +15 kcal/mol) QUESTION: What is – 15 kcal/mol?
Question Answer F-400 ANSWER: The water potential in a solution with a pressure potential of 0.25 MPa and a solute potential of MPa QUESTION: What is MPa? Yw = Yp + Ys = 0.25 MPa MPa = 0.50 Mpa
Question Answer F-500 ANSWER: The solute potential of an open container of 0.1 M glucose at 20 o C? (2 decimal places) QUESTION: What is -2.43? Ys = -iCRT = -1(.1)(0.0831)(293) = -2.43
Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: The reason why cells are small QUESTION: The surface area-to-volume ratio is larger for smaller objects (esp. as cubes, spheres) than for larger; or volume increases faster than area, so it is difficult to move materials thru and into/out of larger cells.