Monday 8/10/15 R.A.P. What challenges will you and your peers face in ensuring liberty and equality for everyone, and how will you meet those challenges? Today: Finish “A Place at the Table” U.S. Map and geography notes **Make sure you have a textbook**
Quiz on Syllabus and Procedures 1.Where do you hand in assignments? 2.If you arrive in class after the bell has rung but not more than 7 minutes…what do you do? 3.What do you do if you are absent? 4.Where can you find markers and colored pencils? 5.Where is the weeks information for your class located in the classroom? 6.If you need to go to the bathroom, what is the procedure? 7.Can you eat or chew gum in our classroom? Explain. 8.Where can you find the rulers, scissors, glue sticks, stapler, etc. for students to use? 9.If you are caught using a cell phone or IPod what will be the consequences?
History in video? Slavery Civil rights Immigration Japanese internment camps The Holocaust Great Depression Treatment of Native Americans Homosexual treatment
Closure Directions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Turn in to the inbox when you are finished, if you do not have time to finish, it is homework and due on Monday. 1.What challenges will you and your peers face in ensuring liberty and equality for everyone, and how will you meet those challenges? 2.Which person, in the video, was most interesting to you? Why? 3.Talk to your family and write down what you have learned about your family history that you did not know.
Current Event (CE) Find an article in a newspaper or online. Read it, discuss it with your parents. Type a summary of the article, and type an opinion of the article. –12 font, double space, and title –½ page summary: who, what, where, when, why –½ page opinion: your opinion, how it relates to class, and the impact on your life. Create a power point or Prezi to present to class– pictures on every slide.
Five Themes of Geography and U.S. Map Objective: –Understand how the five themes of geography help organize geographical information. –Understand how geography helps people understand history and ways in which the five themes of geography relate to U.S. history.
Geography and History? How does geography and history tie together? Explain.
Ch. 1.1; pages 6-9 TITLE: The Five Themes of Geography Geography—the study of people, places, and environments Location— focuses on a specific place. –Absolute- measured on grid lines—longitude and latitude. –Relative – a place in relation to other known places. (drawing a map in the sand) Place- a set of characteristics that distinguish it from other places. Movement- moving from one location to another- people, goods, ideas Human / Environment Interaction- interdependence of people and their surroundings. Region- an area that is defined according to one or more characteristics; physical features, political divisions, language, types of industry, etc.
The Themes as Guides to History Pg Using the five themes, describe how geography has influenced the development of the United States. History- -- the study of people and events over time. Location – –encouraged the creation of contiguous states Place – –Promoted cultural diversity; many people moved to the US Region- –Affected settlement patterns and promoted cultural diversity; water systems, climate regions, vegetation regions, political regions Movement— –Increased the flow of goods, information, and ideas in and out of the US Human / Environment Interaction- –Promoted the growth of farming and the rise of cities; clearing forests, etc.
Tuesday 8/11 RAP –What are the five themes of geography? Today: –Work on map of the United States DUE Thursday –HW: Read Ch. 2.1 and take notes DUE WEDNESDAY
U.S. Map U.S. map- create the major U.S. physiographic features that you will learn about this year in class when we study U.S. history. Please follow the directions on the back of the map. –Look at the maps on page 10 and 12 for help. –Also, maps in your planner for state abbreviations. 50 Points—Only class time today to work on it. Due Thursday!! Your grade will be on: –Completion –Accuracy –Neatness Ask questions so that you do it correctly. MAP IS DUE THURSDAY! NO TIME TO WORK ON IT IN CLASS ON WEDNESDAY
The map and terms will be part of the final!!!!! So hang on to them. Know the terms from chapter 1. (everything on the PPT) Be able to describe how geography has an impact on history. Be able to label and place everything from the map you create on a blank map. –Not all will be on the test, but could be.