Collecting grid based data Census 2000 and 2011 Diana Makarenko-Piirsalu Statistics Estonia
How were the grid based data captured in Census 2000? Who are the main users of Census 2000 grid based data? How will the grid based data be captured in Census 2011? Why not to use the Population Register? Long-term plans for grid based population data Themes
Census capture of grid data Background: no geocoded address list available Traditional method: paper enumerator maps and paper census forms houses were numbered in each enumerator area census form had the same number as houses on the map Enumerator’s tasks: to draw the houses found in the course of field work on the map assign the number to the house drawn and use the same number on census form Production of the grid based data: time consuming, much “hand work” = 3 years
All census 2000 results are geocoded and can be ordered from Users: 50% of local governments 50% of county governments ministries private companies education and research institutions
Census 2000 grid based data have been used for: planning (regional and local) policy making infrastructure assessment environmental impact assessment teaching scientific research suitable location assessment marketing
Census 2011 – capture of grid data Census 2011 will be conducted using the combined method: e-Census – providing the opportunity to fill in the census forms on the web Pre-fill the census forms partly with register data traditional field work – electronic data capture Hand-held computers with digital map application (planning to provide GPS – receivers) Background: no geocoded address list / address standard exists producing geoceded address list with the co-operation of NMA based on cadastral addresses Enumerator’s task: To collect locations of “missing” houses using map application (GPS) Aim: to reduce the time for the grid based data production
Problems using population register: Data quality: addresses in some locations only at village level (ca 20%) does not represent the actual place of residence due to Estonian legislation: In which part of the country is the car insurance cheaper? Which local government will pay supplementary retirement allowance? Where should one’s child live to get access to the school of good reputation? Technically it is possible to produce bottom-up grid data from the population register but …. Much work has to be done at state level: to change the existing legislation to implement the new legislation to implement address standard / data correction accordin to the standard is foreseen in 2012) to guarantee that complete addresses are entered into the registers etc….
Problems we are facing: Population Register de jure population Censuses 2000/2011 de facto population Population grid data based on census have better quality
Development plan for grid based data Background: Development of GIS and geostatistic are one of the strategical developements in period Mapping the user needs: in – house, done in 2008 comprehensive outside user needs assessment planned in 2009
Customers need yearly updated grid based population data (bottom up) Planned activities: 2009 – grid based data based on the population register for pre- census areas: comparision with the pre-census results 2010 – grid based population data based on register data: use for census 2011 activities – enumerator area delineation in newly build up areas for data quality assessment 2011 – collecting grid based data (e-census and field work) 2012 – Census based total population grid data (urban areas 250 sq m;500 sq m; 1000 sq m) 2013 – Other results (language, religions, etc.) of the Census Aim: first time to provide night-time; day-time population 2014 – Aim: grid based data based on the population register
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