When to use an Appositive When you need to cut down sentences. The sentence The jailer was the warden’s best friend. He put the key in the lock and locked me away forever. Becomes The jailer, warden’s best friend, put the key in the lock and locked me away forever.
Two types of Appositives The information has to be in the sentence. The sentence does not make sense without this information. The information does not have to be in the sentence. The writer has made the choice to add the information because he/she feels it is good for style, the purpose, or some other reason. EssentialExtra (Non-essential)
Punctuation Punctuation depends on which of the two types of Appositives are being used. If essential Does not require commas If extra (non-essential) Does require commas
Examples The popular US president John Kennedy was known for his eloquent and inspirational speeches. Notice the lack of commas John Kennedy, the popular US president, was known for his eloquent and inspirational speeches. Notice the commas separating the phrase “the popular US president” EssentialExtra (Non-Essential)
?’s to ask yourself A.Where is the appositive? B.What noun is it describing? C.Is the information essential or extra? D.How do I punctuate the phrase?
Let’s do one together A hot-tempered tennis player Robbie charged the umpire and tried to crack the poor man's skull with a racket. A.Where is the appositive? B.What noun is it describing? C.Is the information essential or extra? D.How do I punctuate the phrase?
Quiz Time! bin/quiztest.cgi?appositives bin/quiztest.cgi?appositives /comma_placement_ex5.htm /comma_placement_ex5.htm
Works Cited OWL Purude Online Writing Lab. Appositives. 1/. The Writing Lab & The Owl at Purdue and Purdue University / Robin L. Simmons. The Appositive Grammar Girl. Appositives. aspx Macmillian Holdings, LLC. aspx. 2009