A Couple of Tips… Svetlana Balykina IEP 2012
A woman without her man is nothing A woman, without her man, is nothing. (male students) A woman: without her, man is nothing. (female students)
Where does a comma go? : ))) We spent most of our time sitting on the back porch, watching the cows, playing cards, and reading. We spent most of our time sitting on the back porch, watching the cows playing cards and reading.
– Capitals, commas, and Full stops (fun video explanation) – part1 - Alex video lesson + Quiz (7 min) rules to use a coma (5 min) - colons and semicolons (4 min) using semicolons (7 min)
&feature=related – &feature=related commas and compound sentences (18 min) &feature=related (colons, semi-colons… British; 3 min….) &feature=related - (comma splice; Emma’s video lesson) &feature=relmfu (apostrophes and “ “; British; 3 min) &feature=relmfu mmar/coconj1.htm - to practice mmar/coconj1.htm
The Everyday Writer Practice er4e/default.asp#t_11472____ al/QuizHome.aspx?CourseId=2 (expand the menu to the left) See the handout…