Kingdom Animalia
What Is an Animal Multicellular, heterotrophs Ingestion Unique reproduction and development
Life history
When did the First Animals Appear in Fossils?
Cambrian explosion explosion of diversity Burgess Shale fossil deposit Why did this explosion occur?
Animalia Evolution
Major Adaptations: Tissues
Animalia: Major Evolutionary Events Radial and bilateral symmetry
Millipedes & centipedes
Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity
The Chordates What were our ancestors like? How are we related to other animals? What are our closest relatives?
The Vertebrate Genealogy
Tunicates Have all the chordate characteristics in embryonic stage Adults are sessile, filter feeders How could tunicates be ancestors to vertebrates?
Paedomorphosis Strikes Again!
The Move onto Land How did the land vertebrates evolve from fish ancestors? Evidence? Lobe-finned fishes Tadpole larvae of amphibians Lungfishes
The Primates 65 mya; arboreal Brachiate & dextrous hands Eyes & vision Parental care
Primate Phylogeny
Misconceptions We did not evolve from chimpanzees or apes We had a common ancestor The “hominid parade” Does evolution have a goal? Human features evolved at same rate Upright ancestry were dumb critters
No Parade After All
The Human Evolution Australopithecus sp. “Lucy”, 3.24 mya 4 mya fossils First bipedal Hunter-gatherers Extinct 1.4 mya
The Human Evolution Homo habilis 2.4 mya; E Africa Enlarged brain Oldawon flakes Extinct 0.75 mya Australopithecus?
The Human Evolution Homo erectus 1.8 mya Expanded territory; diet? Peking & Java Man Bigger brain; Acheulean tools Weapons; cave-dwelling < Sexual dimorphism Extinct 200,000 ya
The Human Evolution H. neanderthals 350,000 – 28,000 ya Europe & W Asia H. erectus descendants? Large brains Skilled toolmakers Rituals, burials, social Out competed? Interbred?
The Human Evolution Homo sapiens 195,000 ya Cro-Magnons Complex weapons & tools (bone; ivory; wood) Descendents of H. erectus? Where did we come from?
Origin of Modern Humans