Chapter 17
classification - grouping of organisms based on shared characteristics taxonomy - branch of biology dealing w/ classifying and naming org Which is the correct scientific name? URSUS HORRIBILUS Ursus Horribilus Ursus horribilus
1. kingdom - most inclusive; contains largest # of organisms 2. phylum (animals)- more selective or specific than division (plants)- kingdom 3. class - more specific than phylum; fewer org than one above 4. order increasingly more specific & fewer org; more 5. family closely related 6. genus used to identify 7. species & name org
TaxonHousecatMtn lionDogHuman KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderCarnivora Primata FamilyFelidae CanidaeHominidae GenusFelis CanisHomo Speciesdomesticusconcolorfamiliarissapiens