Samantha Hoffman Lindsay Cosby Bonobos
Geographic Region: Democratic Region of the Congo General Information Million Years Ago lead to speciation One of human’s closest known relatives Scientific classification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Primates Family:Hominidae Genus:Pan Species: P. paniscus Scientific classification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Primates Family:Hominidae Genus:Homo Species:H. sapiens
Characteristics Omnivores Matriarchy Status depends on the females Quadrupedal Knuckle Walking Love not war Not territorial nor really aggressive No conflict, however a lot of mating
Height on Hind-Legs: 45in Less prominent brow ridges than Chimps Facial Features Black face Pink lips Small ears Wide nostrils Long hair Slim upper body Narrow Shoulders Thin necks Long legs Physical Features CategoryFemalesMales Weight66lbs75-132lbs Height24-30in28-33in