NeoClassical Theatre By: Braeden H., Arturas M., Christina M., Tavonte T.
Theatre Like Roman Stage Curved Seats and an open Orchestra A Scaena or stage house with large façade Indoors and marked the creation of Proscenium arch.
Performance Men and Women performed these plays Most themes of this time period are: -Roman -Greek
Audience Most plays are performed in front of large audiences and courts to all people.
Famous Plays Le Cid 1637 Horace 1640 Cinna Polyecute 1642 Tartuffe 1664 The Misanthrope 1666 The Miser 1668 The Imaginary Invalid 1673 Andromaque 1667
Famous playwrights/actors Actors or acting troupes: -Hotel de Bougogne -Theatre du Marais -Moliere’s * They all merged to become the first national troupe. Playwrights: -Pierre Corneille -Jean Racine -Moli`ere -Alexandre Hardy
Innovations for plays The stage and seats were set up cleverly to let all viewers enjoy the play. Seating in the back of the theatre was curved so noone sat I corners and had a better view of the stage.
Misanthrope part 14 of 15 _gZzNnIhttp:// _gZzNnI OXY3SLpEhttp:// OXY3SLpE
Works Cited Priestly, J.B.The Wonderful Life of the Theatre. Yugoslavia: Doubleday, Print. Justin.”La Canada Playhouse.” La Canada Playhouse. Theatre Education Group. Web. 11 Apr “French Neoclassical Theatre Movements.” Western Theatre Web.11 Apr Marks,Jonathan. “Drama.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online,2012. Web.11 Apr